View Full Version : Pic of my new table surface zero plate setup.

03-01-2008, 09:48 PM
I kept this simple and cheap. I did not have enough room to mount this on the side of my table so it had to go in front. I did not want to have to mill the aluminum to match the table every time I flattened the table. so after I flattened the aluminum I just zero on the table using m,y standard zero plate move over the bar and jog down to zero and use the bit to set the plate.
since I won't use this on every cut I don't want to change the thickness of the zero plate to zero so I just made a simple c# file jog home (when on the corner of the table) jog to the plate zero on it jog z to .121 the zero jog up and jh.
but I would like to know how to add hitting a random place on the plate. what do I need to add to do that?
well looks like I forgot to send the picture home I will post it tomorrow.

03-02-2008, 10:58 AM
Hi Steve-

Just use the random function in your part file.
Oh, wait...there is no random function documented in the programing manual.
Ah! Paco found an obscure reference to one documented here: http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/messages/312/13427.html
Oops, that file does not seem to exist in any of my SB installs, but there is some sample code on that thread that may work...


03-02-2008, 12:10 PM
This back break out problem is one we experience as well with prefinished, raw ply and melimines. I would love to hear a way to eliminate it but so far brad points, drill tips, boring bits, router buts nor end mills eliminate the problem consistently.
Multiple plunge rates and rpms have also been tried on fresh vac spoil boards but for whatever reason we havent solved it.
Hope you get it and share how you've accomplished it on a repetitive basis.

03-02-2008, 12:12 PM
C:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Help\Calculated_Functions.pdf

RND function - never needed it myself...

03-02-2008, 11:50 PM
ok here is the pic. this is about 7" long and it is 1/2" thick. it should only need milled once I had to flatten it to level it to the table. Now when I surface the table I zero on the table mover over the plane jog to zero and use the bit to set the hight of the plate.


03-03-2008, 09:00 AM
I just bonded a 2"x2" square of unetched circuit board next to the 0/0 point for a z-zero plate.

Of course, we don't use that part of our work surface.