View Full Version : Just Starting Out

12-25-2004, 05:26 PM
I just bought a used PRT96 and was wondering if there was anything that I should know about since it was first bought in 1999. I got the operating software from here since I didn't get it with the machine. I haven't started putting it together yet since I have a lot of cleaning up to do on it first, mainly rust on the racks and such. I would like to here any suggestions that you all might have. Wish me luck.

ron brown
12-25-2004, 06:29 PM

Best thing will be to visit a nearby shop and see one running. Get to know the owner, learn a few names and things. These things aren't magic. They are simple but involved things with ShopBot taking care of most of the complexity of the operating software and drivers.

Try and make a camp or a few. Almost any problem you have had someone has solved and probably doesn't want to see you make the same mistakes. I don't think anyone can learn all a CNC machine can do in a short time frame. But, simple stuff can be done in short order and one can build on what they learn.

Good Luck,

12-26-2004, 01:26 PM
Hi Robert!
Starting by cleaning it up and looking at the parts is a good first step before assembling it. Installing the software and testing it is another good one too. If you need it, you can download all the manuals about the machine from the same WWW page you used to get the control software... look at documentation. You may want to keep browsing this forum too!
I would suggest the same as Ron if you can get in touch with a owner...

12-26-2004, 02:08 PM
Hi Robert. I suggest you search and review this forum as there are some excellent posts on squaring up your table and setting up your workspace. Take the time to level and square your table properly because you will have to live with your results and it WILL affect the accuracy of your Bot. Once your foundation is solid and true, you can begin by further leveling your spoilboard. If you've never used a CNC device before, this simple operation alone will probably fascinate you. You'll be able to tell if your router is mounted properly by examining your spoilbord. If you see lots of lines, then your router is tilted a bit. If you are removing lots of material in one spot and less in another, your table may not be level. In short, the smoother your spoilboard, the better aligned your router and table are. Best of Luck....D

12-28-2004, 01:57 PM
"I just bought a used PRT96 ..... it was first bought in 1999" To the best of my knowledge, PRT's only started appearing mid 2000?

12-28-2004, 02:28 PM
Back from basking in the sun, days of wine and good food, and straight away....picky,picky,picky!
Any New Year resolutions?

(I managed to stand in for you, and upset a couple of people)

12-28-2004, 03:51 PM
This (http://www.thestar.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=129&fSetId=79&fArticleId=2354 267) was our "sun" for a few days, till we headed inland to a desert area.

Thanks for the stand in - I'll read the archives to see if you did it with the correct degree of foot-in-mouth and tongue-in-cheek.

12-28-2004, 03:57 PM
"This was our "sun" for a few days, till we headed inland to a desert area."

It could have been worse.

12-28-2004, 04:47 PM
Pity about the holiday, although, as Dave says I guess you feel lucky compared to the last few days events in Asia.
As far as being a stand-in, I am but a callow apprentice, dangling at your coat tales, hoping for crumbs of wisdom from the master!

12-30-2004, 06:12 PM
Hey guys,

Amazon.com has a program called the "honor system" that you can use to donate to charities using your Amazon account. Their start page these days has a link to donate to the Red Cross Tsunami relief efforts, and 100% of the money they collect goes there...it makes it awfully easy to help out.


12-31-2004, 01:56 PM
As well on both the generic yahoo front page and the "my yahoo" page there is a link to various charities at work in disaster relief.


12-31-2004, 02:14 PM

If it hasn't been suggested already, you may want to attend a CampShopBot. I wish I had when I first got mine. I'm hosting one next week and we welcome fellow Kentuckians! Good luck.


01-01-2005, 06:20 PM
Are there any ShopBotters in the Lexington, Kentucky area?

11-09-2005, 11:01 PM
New shopbotter need help with partswizard

11-10-2005, 10:26 AM
Joey, if you can tell us what kind of help you need, I'm sure someone will be happy to help.