View Full Version : Probe

09-09-2004, 01:20 PM
I just finished probing a project that took 8 hours. In SB preview mode it looks like it will take another 8 to to do. I tried to speed up the X,Y but nothing changes. I looked at the code that was generated, but no speed is defined. I know copy machine sets its probing speed, but I thought after the job was probed, you set the speed to your liking for previewing and cutting.

your help will be appreciated

09-09-2004, 01:55 PM

You are correct...the speed you set in the Copy Machine sets the speed of probing, NOT the speed that the probe's output file will cut in. You set the cut speeds in the ShopBot software before running the files, but you can't set the speeds for the previewer...it's running as fast as we can make it go! It's somewhat processor dependent so if you can run it on a faster computer the Preview will run faster, but very large probing and 3d files can still take a while.

The one thing you can do to speed things up in Preview is un-check the "Simulate" button if it's checked...that can speed things up considerably.

Hope this helps,

11-06-2004, 07:54 PM
Where can I get new styluses for my probe. I need them overnight.

Thanks Gary

11-06-2004, 11:31 PM
If it's the new probe you can get the replacement stylus tips from MSC (www.mscdirect.com (http://www.mscdirect.com)). They are in the "CMM tip" section. But you might not be able to order them until Monday...

11-07-2004, 05:57 PM
Thanks Bill

01-17-2005, 11:38 AM
Bent my probe tip into a pretzel this weekend. I'm looking at MSC probe tips but not sure which I need. What size thread does the newer shopbot probe have? Has anyone found a cheaper substitute for a probe tip that the ones at msc?