09-02-2007, 12:48 AM
First are these aluminum boxes for some high end ipod amping. I had to make the jig to hold them and I wanted them as close to the same height as possible, I have not had time to setup air cooling and my test holes did not cut well so I just drilled the holes on my mill. It was faster anyway as I could have the cnc doing the v carving at the same time. The boxes took about 12 minutes for three of them and the endplates. That’s two passes with a copied toolpath. As the aluminum tended to stick in the grooves. I found an engraving bit made a nicer cut then my regular 60 v bit did. But it also takes more effort to cut so things need to be held down well. The jig will have be all toggle clamps by the time I use it again. I wanted to try a set before I bought 12 of them. The only bad part is the safe z needs to be higher then normal.
Then onto the ipod block docking stations. They are 4x4.25 and 2.7 tall These were fun to do, pretty hard to draw out. The base is hollow and it is cut with 2d toolplaths for the basic hogging and the larger ramp is done in 3d. it could all be done in 2d using a ½” 90 v but I found it hard to get the right depth on the small v cut. I zero on the table surface raise the bit to the right height and zero. Then I run a raster at 0 to level the block so they are all the sale height. The ramp worked ok. But I found it faster to do 2d and 3d. Total cutting time is about 6 minutes with a bit change to do the hollow most of the work is done with a ½” bit then a 90 V to do the v cut. Depth is critical because the connector is not very long. I hold them with a simple angle bracket screwed to my table.
Then onto the face. This was a fun one to get it all right since depth was critical and it is hard to hold this block in place. I remove the bulk of the face on the table saw. Then do a raster to face them to the exact higher and remove the bulk with a straight bit and then do the rest with a bowl router bit. I clamp them in a big v jig but it is hard to clamp them as the sides are so then. I think I have it worked out on the next ones. I am waiting for the pattern to drill the holes in the back. Here are pics to a finished one.
Then onto the ipod block docking stations. They are 4x4.25 and 2.7 tall These were fun to do, pretty hard to draw out. The base is hollow and it is cut with 2d toolplaths for the basic hogging and the larger ramp is done in 3d. it could all be done in 2d using a ½” 90 v but I found it hard to get the right depth on the small v cut. I zero on the table surface raise the bit to the right height and zero. Then I run a raster at 0 to level the block so they are all the sale height. The ramp worked ok. But I found it faster to do 2d and 3d. Total cutting time is about 6 minutes with a bit change to do the hollow most of the work is done with a ½” bit then a 90 V to do the v cut. Depth is critical because the connector is not very long. I hold them with a simple angle bracket screwed to my table.
Then onto the face. This was a fun one to get it all right since depth was critical and it is hard to hold this block in place. I remove the bulk of the face on the table saw. Then do a raster to face them to the exact higher and remove the bulk with a straight bit and then do the rest with a bowl router bit. I clamp them in a big v jig but it is hard to clamp them as the sides are so then. I think I have it worked out on the next ones. I am waiting for the pattern to drill the holes in the back. Here are pics to a finished one.