View Full Version : Translating A,B Mach3 moves to shopbot readable files

07-28-2008, 02:38 AM
In doing work trying to translate Mach3 files I have found that the B axis moves were never translated to a shopbot moves in the software according to Bill Young. There are many wizards written for mach3 that would be great if we could use them. My question is, rather than rewrite these wizards for shopbot it might be easier to try to write translations for A,B moves and use the mach3 wizards and just translate the files.....does that make any sense?
Has anyone ever been able to translate mach3 (a,b) moves?

08-05-2008, 10:23 PM
Bill Young,
Can you explain to me in general what it might take in terms of programming to get the A,B axis moves translated? What i want to do is take a mach3 created file and use it on the shopbot.

From what i understand when the programmer did what they did to translate mach3 moves it was basically for the x,y,z without doing it for A,B and i'd like to find out what it would take to finsh this.
I have friends who are proficient in mach3 and their seems to be a lot of things out there for mach3 that i'd like to be able to use. On a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being the hardest) where does this task rank?

08-06-2008, 10:01 AM
It's not something I worked on so my suggestion would be to send an email to ShopBot asking for this to be added. I added it to the todo list a while back but since you're the only person so far that appears to need it added, to be honest there are a lot of higher-priority items that are getting worked on ahead of it (like the new Vectric-powered previewer). It all boils down to time. In the meanwhile I thought that there was a ShopBot post for Mach...maybe one of the guys running the Ascension boards might know about it.

You mentioned in a post a while back that you are writing your own indexer program that you're thinking about selling. http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/show.cgi?tpc=312&post=70809#POST70809

What programming language are you using? It might be easier to just write a simple convertor yourself since both g-code and ShopBot files are text files and you'll only have to deal with a couple of g-code commands, rather than all the possible g-code commands and dialects.


08-06-2008, 11:50 AM
Here is my spiral thread wizard post.

I was thinking basically, like you, that it would be easier to write some type of conversion or to finish the A,B moves as previously stated.
Much of this is still way over my head and i muddle thru it and ask a lot of questions. That was why i asked to rate the difficulty because i would have to go "learn" the language before i could "speak" it.
The suggestion of maybe writing a converter sounds in concept like it might be easier unless like you say "maybe one of the guys running the Ascension boards might know about it."

By that do you mean one of the 4G upgrade computer boards that goes into the control box, or some type of "Ascension boards" like a forum somewhere?
Sorry for the confusion, but i'm thinking i have to research and study to find out the info first.

If anyone running a Ascension knows about a mach3 post please chime in.

This is probably something I wouldn't want to do but maybe to run the indexer could I use Mach3 to run the shopbot?