View Full Version : What do you want to see at this year's Jamboree?

02-06-2004, 11:13 PM
Indepth holddown techniques - t-track, vacuum, screws, etc. Serious look at sizing a vacuum system. Odd piece holddown... etc.

02-07-2004, 12:15 AM
In addition to hold-down techniques (like unique vacuum zoning for different size tables and projects, and constructing a vacuum jig), here are some other topics that are of interest to me, and maybe to others also...

1) Measuring spindle runout and checking for Z-axis alignment with a dial gauge.

2) Probe demonstration.

3) Indexer demonstration.

(I realize that actual complete demos of the above two items can be VERY time consuming. However, seeing how to START the process and a minute or two of the operation would go a long way... And, what can be done with the probe information once the probing is complete?)

4) Choices in design software. For example, if I want to build cabinets, what could I use? Or, if I want to make 2.5D signs, what could I use?

5) Also, for the "SHOW and TELL" here is a suggestion. I know it is extra work to prepare a handout. Most of us may not have the time to do so. However, sometimes just having a picture, or diagram, of how something is done to make notes on, then take home, can be invaluable. Little things about your project like material selection, bit selection, feeds and speeds, finishing procedures (what grit sandpaper did you use? or, what type of spray finish was that?), and anything else that you care to share will most likely be GREATLY appreciated by the rest of us. Just a thought...

Looking forward to April. :-)

02-08-2004, 07:16 PM
methods/considerations on how to train an employee to run the equipment.

forms/logs to help organize job production.

02-08-2004, 10:03 PM
We can probably cover some of the above areas during the 2 afternoons we will be back at Shopbot's headquarters but I think some of this can probably be found by doing a keyword search right here on the Forum. The probe is much easier to setup and run than the indexer, so I know it will be an easier fit into the schedule.
I'm sure a number of 'Botters have ways to perform the runout tests they can share now instead of waiting until late April. Maybe it would just take a posting with that as the topic to get some feedback.
The software questions have been covered a number of times on the Forum, and as with many other issues come down to personal preference, and pocketbooks.We're trying to get a few more software companies to commit to the Jamboree, and as they do we'll post the info.
I'd agree that handouts would be a nice touch, since with time constraints it might not be feasible to go through every detail of an operation. We'd welcome any information people would like to bring. Details such as suppliers of materials, and operating techniques in particular would save people a lot of time if they too were to consider similar projects.This is also another reason we are limiting the number of Show and Tell items to 3 this year, otherwise it could turn into a marathon affair...
Since your questions are industry specific the right place to cover these areas might be the "special interest groups". This way other signmakers might be able to share their own experiences, and have ideas to work on. I think it would be more pertinent if people within the groups dealt with these questions instead of trying to come up with some generic answers.
This is definately the kind of feedback we are looking for though, and we welcome all responses.
Since I know the BOTH of you are located in Florida let me throw smething back at the two of you; contact Shopbot, get a list of owners in the Sunshine state, and try to get someone to sponsor a Florida Camp Shopbot! It might be nice to find out who is in the area, and be able to offer info on a more convenient basis.........Bill P.