View Full Version : Ok, I made this funky "thing" and I am looking for feet!

08-24-2007, 05:20 PM
ok, I made this funky "thing" and I am looking for feet!

I was thinking of a creepy crawly feet like lizard feet or some kind of foot with claw?

Anyone have something like that or an idea for the base??


08-24-2007, 05:38 PM
Cool Danny, at first I thought he disappeared ( in the white wood) and was carved emerging on the back, then I thought it would make a cool chair back. I like how the dark wood is inlet in the natural edge, those ball ends would be amazing if they were claws too. Feet... are not coming to me yet! Great work - Hope I can keep up with you, Neville

08-24-2007, 05:40 PM
I wanted to make him disapear then reappear but I dont know how to do that but Brady does.

08-24-2007, 06:10 PM
I like it. Looks like the lizards I have running aroung the rocks in my yard. Maybe a couple of rock looking feet. You could even use some real rocks and hammer drill holes for the post and use a little epoxy to set them. Find some river rocks with a flat so you can felt the underside. That way you will not mar whatever you place your artwork on. BTW, where did you find the design?

08-24-2007, 06:14 PM
Someone posted it on the free site

08-24-2007, 08:04 PM
I think what I want is a Chicken foot!
anyone have a chicken foot relief?

08-25-2007, 02:25 PM
any chicken or lizard feet out there?