View Full Version : 2nd Z is off

11-04-2008, 07:44 PM
I am having problems getting my second z aligned. I ran the S_Set2SpindleOffsets program and input the results to the MyVariables file. This did not fix the problem. I am cutting out a circle. I use the a axis to cut the chamfer around it and use the z axis to cut it out. I have a slight difference in the chamfer. One side is bigger. I am using vac to hold down. I thought it was just moving a little while being cut. I tried again with it screwed to the table. Same results. The z plate was securely clamped to the table when I ran S_Set2SpindleOffsets. During this process I discovered that the A axis was loose. I retightened everything and am still having issues. I have incrementally increased the x offset to where it produces results that look pretty good. The Y offset still looks a little off. Is there a better way to do this? Any better testing methods?

Thanks for the help,


Gary Campbell
11-04-2008, 08:34 PM
Make sure that you have both axis' tightened and then run the S_set2 offset file. Put a Vbit in each. Toolpath and cut a similar sized circle .020 deep with the Z and then offset in or out .050 and cut another .020 deep with the A. That will give you your results under a no load condition. Your circles should as good as the machine can cut under those conditions.

If you have acceptable results, then repeat with your cutting conditions as above. If the results change, then you have a mechanical problem, such as bit deflection, machine flex or loose rollers. Check the rollers on the bottom of the YZA Car also. Mine went from tight to rattle in a few hours of cutting. all these parts loosen up as they break in.