View Full Version : Sorry guys and gals, another newbie question
08-05-2006, 01:52 PM
I finally loaded the latest update of the control box software and shopbot. It brought me from dos to windows. I have dual Z's. When I go to pratice the shopbot logo, my secondary Z (which is really A)Goes all the way to the top and beyond and continues to try to keep going up until I stop the program. It does this no matter which router I set as primary. Any suggestions?
08-05-2006, 03:14 PM
Good Luck adapting to the newer version.
I'm in the process of doing so myself(adapting to v.3.4)
- I find that it's quite a bit more complex than the old DOS version 2.39 or whatever!
08-05-2006, 03:29 PM
Bob, did your unit values get transferred over to the new version or do you need to manually set them? If the unit value is wrong for A it seems like it could do something like that by moving farther than it thinks it is.
08-05-2006, 06:18 PM
I think Patrick has nailed it. The unit values are automatically set for the newer tables and must be adjusted for the older ones. Also, is your Z axis a pinion or ball screw model? This will make a huge difference. I too have dual Z's...on an older table... and had to adjust both for the new software. Try running your X axis 96 inches and then measure to make sure that the unit value is correct there also...D
Hi Darrell
Any new projects ?
08-06-2006, 10:19 AM
I went and checked the unit values and they where not what the gentleman I purchased from had written down as the unit values. I changed them over. Now when I tell the x and y axis to move 5 inches, they move 1 1/4" The z axis still tries to go through the roof and now the space bar or esc or "q" does not stop the program. Also, the speed of the x and y axis slowed down considerably. I was wondering if the unit values would change from going from dos to windows. The info I have is :
72t thurst box
for the x axis 141.4711
for the y axis 127.324
for the z and a 1018.592
when I opened it up after loading in windows all the settings where at 916.7324 and when I want to move 5 inches it moves approx 15.
Any Ideas,
08-06-2006, 04:55 PM
Hi Gene...LOT's of projects....I'll be posting some soon....Thanks for asking.
Bob....obviously, this is the root of your troubles. There are posted unit values in this forum that you can search for pertaining to the various models. You'll want to know the number of teeth on your pinions....whether you have a ball screw Z or rack and pinion. You can also call ShopBot for this info and they'll hook you up with the correct info as they amazingly keep track of nearly every machine they sell.
Since you apparently have your correct values (hopefully)...Under the "V" command on the tool bar, just change your "U" units back to what they should be. This should solve your problem. As I stated earlier. the software loads the new default values in when you install it. You can also adjust the speed of your movement speed using the "V and S" (speed) drop down on the tool bar. Keep your unit values written down and handy as this won't be the last time you upgrade your software. Run a test and measure your results....D
08-09-2006, 07:20 AM
Got word back from Shopbot Folks. Seems that when you go from DOS to the latest windows version you have to multiply your x and y unit values(that you used in dos) by 4. Everything is working fine now.
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