View Full Version : V-Carve Toolpath?

05-29-2008, 09:29 AM
I must be missing something - I can't figure out how to tell PartWorks the depth I want my lettering to be cut when I generate a V-Carve toolpath.

No matter what values I put in the "Cutting Depths" section, larger lettering always cuts a lot deeper than smaller lettering, and the depth I am trying to specify seems to be ignored.

Isn't there some way I can specify a V-Carve depth and end up with lettering of any size cut to that depth?


05-29-2008, 09:39 AM
Not sure about Partworks, but depth is usually determined by the width of the letter - wider the letter, deeper it is. Probably can only change depth when carving a vector, not vcarving text. Could be wrong, that's the way it is with most.

05-29-2008, 10:30 AM
You should be able to put a check mark in "Flat Depth" when choosing "V-carve/Engrave" toolpath.

Then you can specify a depth limit and if you want to use the v-bit to clear the area or an end

You should then have two separate toolpaths, one for the v-carve and one for the flat (pocket).


05-29-2008, 10:46 AM
For normal V carving, depth is automatically set based on both:
a. width of the vector at a point
b. carving bit angle

More precisely, cut depth (D)at any point in the letter is: D=2*W*(TAN(A/2) where:
W is width at that point
A is the selected cutting bit angle

Usually, when cutting a mix of large and small lettering, use a large angle bit for the Big text and a small angle bit for the small text.

In Insignia there is a option to limit V carve depth, and the cutter will then make multiple passes to leave a flat bottom. I suspect PartWorks has similar options.