View Full Version : If I was Ted Hall

05-09-2007, 07:55 AM
I'd quit giving people free hardware. It only seems like they are using it to improve their cash flow and not the Shopbot itself.

I've been lurking here for years and have kept up with what's going on out there by talking with my friends (bot owners) all over the country.

I keep hearing that somebody is making improvements to the Shopbot (other than shopbot inc.) and is selling the improvements. There is nothing wrong with that, but it seems like Shopbot is funding the competition by supplying them with free 4g boards, motors, etc... Furthermore, a few of the know-it-all shopbotters are working hush-hush, behind the scenes to help the competition.

I think that Josh, the guy from the mods and improvments thread, makes his own brand of cnc machine in his 20,000 sq ft. shop. Why give your competition free stuff? You don't need the advertisement. I bought the PRS sight unseen after the dismal cutting ability of my last machine which, by the way, was not a Shopbot.

"Shopbot, CNC machines to cut your teeth on, not your throat." I cut my throat on my last machine and am starting to heal nicely now. I imagine I'll be fully recovered sometime in June.

Ted, I am doing some research on spirals, have a free indexer waiting for me when I come to pick up my machine in June, ok? (tounge planted firmly in cheek)

PRT96 2003
Other brand 2006
Other brand 2007
PRS96 2007

05-09-2007, 10:54 AM

Ted is a great guy who has been doing great things for years for everyone involved with CNC routers. When I was having issues with 'chatter', he sent several detailed emails that made it possible to fix the problem. Ted seems to be one of those guys that is willing to help - even when it doesn't profit him personally. The world could use more Teds.

As to the question of why he would loan or give a particular piece of equipment to someone for evaluation: To me, that is a smart move. The suppliers that I've worked with for more than 30 years often did the same thing. Ted and others like him know the value of letting someone see the potential encapsulated in a piece of equipment. Sometimes just holding something in your hands makes you think of the possibilities. And sometimes, loaning or giving something away leads to valuable feedback. Fresh eyes sometimes see flaws that the manufacturer missed. In short it helps everyone.

There's always the chance that by loaning or giving away a piece of equipment that someone will steal the idea. In my opinion if we want to be paranoid and worry about what might happen we might just as well stay in bed with the covers pulled over our head for the rest of our lives. Everyday something unexpected happens to everyone of us. Most of the time it is a plesant surprise, but sometimes it's not. Who wants to give up the richness of life because something bad might happen? Certainly not me.

By the way, did you order the Alpha version or the standard version? I've heard that the Alpha version with the gearboxes produce cuts that equal the 'big iron' machines when it comes to surface smoothness.