View Full Version : Router wiring question?

08-19-2006, 11:57 PM
Something i just thought about but forgot to ask shopbot when ordering. I have my Control box set up to be wired to 220v, but i just thought my router is 110v. Is there a 110v outlet wired into the control box to control the router and 2 fein vacs?

08-20-2006, 12:02 AM
I have an alpha, but your mileage may vary.

The instructions recommend running an outlet from the control box (there is a relay to hook to) out to the y carriage and then mounting an outlet box on the y carriage to power the router.

I used a longer cord and just wired directly from the router to the control box. I may have more trouble when it comes time to work on the router (replace/repair) but I was concerned about the router coming unplugged during a cutting procedure and crashing.

The outlet box gives you more safety in terms of being able to unplug the router but I feel that with the manual nature of activating the output to turn it on, the e stop and the switch on the router I could safely change bits without unplugging the router.

08-20-2006, 03:10 PM
I would suggest that the fein/vacuum hold down be NOT controlled by the ShotBot controller. You want to set the piece, start the vacuum, sometimes even before applying power to the control box.

I do like to have the control box control power to my router.

Just food for thought.

-- pat

08-20-2006, 03:12 PM
p.s. One more thing...

If you are even considering a spindle in the future pay the additional $100-$200 now to have the control box wire to operate both. If you do upgrade to a spindle later, you won't have to ship the control box back to the factory.

(I wish somebody told me this before I ordered mine)

-- pat