View Full Version : Vitracor

12-05-2008, 09:28 PM
Has any cabinet makers here ever heard of Vitracor Laminate? It is a laminate used in a lot of high end (price wise) Motorhomes and I am trying to find a source and an explanation of just what this is? What benefits it may hold over and in lieu of regular laminates? What is the approximate price range per sf? Thanks

12-06-2008, 01:45 AM
I used a bunch of it years ago but my understanding is that it was discontinued about 10 years ago. I heard it was due to the environmental problems created during the manufacturing of the material. It was basically 1/8" clear acrylic with a color/texture material on the backside. It gave a real high-end look without having to use lacquer or spray finishes.

It was up $10-11 per square foot when last I bought some. I had to buy several extra sheets when I found out it was being discontinued and I had a large job coming up which had spec'd it. I still have those *&^%!! sheets - after paying $350 bucks a sheet there was no way I'd ever throw them away and they're not good for much else.

I did find this link (http://nuvacor.com/) while seaching for Vitricore.

12-06-2008, 07:42 PM

There is a product called Zenolite that is similar to Vitracore. It is still available it is a 5mm acrylic with colur on the back, it is used a lot in kitchens and bathrooms instead of tiles. The manufacturer is EGR here is a link to their webite www.egrgroup.com (http://www.egrgroup.com)

Good Luck


12-08-2008, 07:22 AM
Thank you both. Nuvacore looks like the stuff to use for this job. They say that they even have colors that match what was used for Vitracore. The customers bus will be here late next week and I am supposed to make him a matching computer desk (matching the existing vitracore cabs as best possible).

12-09-2008, 04:57 PM
We are actually the inventors of Vitricor. In 2002 we withdrew the license agreements that we had with Nevamar Div. of International Paper and re-launched the product as NUVACOR (they wouldn't give us our Vitricor name back). In the interim time, there have been numerous product improvements. We acn be reached at www.nuvacor.com (http://www.nuvacor.com) or at (201) 413-1776. We do not sell through distributors but rather sell directly to the end user. There is also a link to an online Fanrication video which may be of interest to you: http://www.nuvacor.com/videos.htm
David Marcotte was kind enough to make us aware of this blog.