View Full Version : Corner Jacking in V Carve Pro

08-19-2007, 12:10 PM
I am V carving some small letters (.5in) in acrylic and am experiencing some ragged edges. I have a PRT with 4G upgrade. The ramping setting are not intuitively obvious to me. I have found a previous post by Brady as follows:

I typically v-carve @ 1.5, .7 on the PRT. This helps reduce 'corner jacking'.

I adjust 3 ramping settings:

3D Threshold: 150-200
Slow Corner Speed: 25-30
Minimum Distance to Check: .08

You can save these settings in a new config file using US.


Are these settings still good with the 4G upgrade? I am cutting cast acrylic with a 60deg V-bit. I don't want to go so slow that re-wielding is a problem. I am using a cold air gun (vortex cooler) too.

08-19-2007, 12:53 PM
The higher the 3D threshold, the more "aggressive" 3D moves are. Default is 100.

Going up the default 3D threshold is advise to speed up 3D raster toolpath where the tool tend to be too "gentle" with the Z and X/Y feed. Too high a 3D threshold make my 3D tabs AND V carving jerky.

Not much information for your case but I think it's worth to start with the default than lower if needed. I'm not very much experienced with V carving acrylic but if re welding occur, slow the router/spindle speed (RPM) or you could try a "clean up pass"... maybe comparing the climb VS conventional cut...