View Full Version : Indexer backwards??

09-15-2007, 08:56 PM
I had to replace my fuses and i think this is why i'm having this problem, but i don't recall how to fix it, so i need to ask.

My A axis reads inches
My B axis reads degrees

When i give it a command like MB 10 nothing moves
When i do a MA 10 it will move.

So i need to figure out how to set B as the one that controls the indexer. It was probably set from SB so i couldn't find any control to reset it, and don't know how to do it. It is probably right in front of me, but i can't see it. Help!

09-15-2007, 10:11 PM
On my PRT-Alpha, there are six stepper-drive connectors. Looking at the control board from the front, the four connectors to the right are for the four stepper-drivers that run the X, Y, and Z motors. The connector furtherest to the left is the 'B' drive and the connector second from the left is the 'A' drive. Turn the power off, wait for a few minutes and then change the indexer's connector to the 'B' position.

On the other hand, you can leave the indexer connected to the 'A' device and then just change the parameters of the 'A' device to match the 'B' device (unit values, multiplier, etc.). If you do that, you will also have to change all MB commands to become MA, JB to JA, and you will have to modify any M5 or J5 connands so that the 'A' axis and not the 'B' is commanded to move. (Changing the cable to the 'B' device would be easier - in my opinion.)

09-15-2007, 10:28 PM
Originally the plug was set to the B device and that was what it was prior to the crash (and still is), so it is just a software fix in my estimation. It is plugged to the B device and the B readout is set for degrees, and my commands prior were MB 10 (for example) and it would move B. Now it won't, however the number will change to whatever you input. But if i say MA 10 it will spin and the A readout will change.

I think it is a matter of "designating" the B to control it and i think it was reset when the fuse blew and somehow i need to redesignate it, but i don't know how.

09-16-2007, 12:06 AM
Check your VI command. That's where you can designate whcih driver controls which axis. The default settings set Driver Channel 1 to the X axis, Driver Channel 2 to the Y axis, Driver Channel 3 to the Z axis, Driver Channel 4 to the A axis and Driver Channel 5 to the B axis.

Is it possible that somehow Driver Channel 4 and Driver Channel 5 have been switched?

09-16-2007, 02:49 AM
I had a severe bog down in cut with the router and that blew one of the fuses in the control box and i replaced them at ($10.00/each)and i think maybe some of the settings got lost. I hope thats all it is. I physically have not changed anything so i will check those settings tomorrow and see. If its still a problem by monday i'll call SB. thanks for that tip.