View Full Version : Alpha AC wiring Help

12-26-2006, 03:01 PM
My alpha got here.

The Control box has 2 big black cables coming out of it.

I assume the one labeled Control Box Supply goes to the 220 AC wall power. These wires are stripped a bit at the ends.

I also assume the one labeled Spindle Power goes to my router, not spindle.

The manual is not too clear... it says to hook up the router cable to the contactor etc.. but is this already done?

I need this to be easy for the Electrician later.

Someone please verify.

This is for a Router.


12-26-2006, 03:33 PM
OK, I traced some wires...

It now looks like that Big Black SPINDLE cable is IF I wanted to add a spindle later.

So for now it does not get used... just a upgrade for later.

I still will need to run cable from contactor to router.


12-26-2006, 04:12 PM
I just got mine in July and I had to run my own cable for my router. Did you buy the PC router with it or did they maybe assume you were installing a spindle?

12-26-2006, 05:11 PM
It's not difficult to wire the machine if you're familiar with electrical wiring, BUT, if things are not totally clear to you, get an electrician to do the job for you. His/her fees will be small compared to the cost of ordering new parts.

12-26-2006, 05:52 PM
I hired an electician to run a 220 and 110 line to the machine and handed him the manual. He took it from there and sent me a bill. He hooked up everything and now I sleep much better at night.

Several years ago I found out it was much cheaper for me to hire electricians, plumbers and auto mechanics. I can make more money doing what I do best than trying to do what they do best.

12-30-2006, 07:47 PM
Yeah I figured it out once I opened the box and followed the wiring.

All works great.
I would not say the schematics were the clearest though.

I did not want to pay the Electrician to scratch his head. It was $300 for him to wire it 10 feet from the main breaker. He said the control box should have the wiring label on the outside like every other industrial piece of equip.

I'm happy with it.