View Full Version : ArtCam from Shopbot
07-12-2007, 04:40 PM
Can anyone who has purchased ArtCam from Shopbot give a quick rundown of the 3 days of training included in the price. Is this basic stuff (like how to draw a sqaure box, a circle, etc or do they get into the 3D side of things).
07-13-2007, 08:11 AM
I took that class about a year ago at their facility in NC. The instructor asked people on the 1st day where they were experience-wise and gauged the level of instructions on that somewhat. There was one virtual newbie (he was also older gentleman and also not very quick with computer concepts) that slowed things down for awhile, but the instructor realized that after giving him a lot of personal attention in the morning, he was slowing things down to much and the guy was not there for day 2.
We covered a lot of ground from the second half of the first day to the end of the second day. There is a book that comes with ArtCAM when you buy it and tutorials for the class are on a CD (that you get to keep) based on a lot of the material in the book.
The third day was the best. They had told me when I first signed up months earlier (and I am sure everyone else) to bring a project idea that you wanted to produce. We spent that morning first brainstorming each persons project on what ArtCAM tools to use and how to logisitically how to get it to market or whatever the final goal was. In the afternoon we individually worked one-on-one with the instructor as we began to create our project using ArtCAM. Several other Shopbot folks wandered in to help out as well. We got to meet Ted and talk to him a bit, get a tour of the production facilities and had complete access to ask any and all questions that came to mind when were there.
I highly recommend it !!
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