View Full Version : Drill Offset Error

10-02-2008, 07:30 AM
I'm getting the following error message when I try to run the drill offset file: Variable error-line 95 Invalid expression [%(&cleared); 0]
Anyone know what's causing this? I have a spindle and 2 air drills

Gary Campbell
10-02-2008, 01:55 PM
What postP are you using for your drills? That isnt a variable from the my_variables file, nor one that the Vectric postP will introduce either. Can you post the part of the file that returns that error? How about lines 90 to 100?

10-02-2008, 04:54 PM
I'm embarassed to say I'm not sure sure what a postP is. I spoke with Frank and he said there was a typo in that line (can't remember what it was). We went through and corrected it and things worked fine. I should thank him for his patience, I was starting to get a little frazzled today. I was able to cut and drill by the end of things though, which was a big relief.

Vaccuum (sp?) table is doing what people said it would. Hard to believe until you actually see it in action. I'll post some photos once I decompress a little (few days/weeks!).

Gary Campbell
10-02-2008, 05:23 PM
Hey Nat...
Not to worry... you will know all the terminology in time. What I meant to say was: What post processor are you selecting when you toolpath your drilling? That would be the name shown in the drop down box that you select (a post processor) to save the file.

Glad you are working now.