View Full Version : Can someone help me with this DXF..

08-17-2007, 04:39 PM
I need to turn this DXF into all seperate pieces so that I can cut them out seperately like a puzzle..

I dont want it done for me, if someone has time I could use an explanation on how to do it..
There is probably some easy command in artcam or partwizard I just dont know..

Thanks much!

8599 (7.3 k)

08-17-2007, 06:42 PM
Anyone? lol..

I made the dxf for bottom of a door design in mahogany but I need to cut the pieces seperately so that the grain goes the correct way..


Brady Watson
08-17-2007, 06:55 PM
This can be done easily in PW by selecting all of the vectors, then go to the scissors tool & click on 'Explode Selection'. Close the tool. Then copy all of the vectors & open up a new version of PW (keep original open). Paste those vectors into the new PW screen. Keep that open as your 'safe layer'. Then go & join up all of the vectors. Select one complete set of vectors to make up one shape and then press <shift> + J to join them into one shape. Keep repeating. When you run into a spot where you have a 'common vector', copy it from your 'Safe Layer' PW file and paste it in...Join everything & nest as needed by moving parts around. It looks like you can just use, 'Close with a straight line' on this design to close open vectors, and you may not need the 2nd instance of PW open.


08-17-2007, 08:16 PM
Thx Brady.. Ill post results later this afternoon. (still at shop)

08-17-2007, 09:37 PM
Thx Brady, worked like a charm

8601 (14.2 k)

Brady Watson
08-18-2007, 01:03 AM
No problem. When I 1st read your post, I thought you meant that you wanted to do something like this:


I'm glad that's not the case


08-18-2007, 01:45 AM

Theres this older guy his shop is across from mine he makes incredible mahogany doors. Hes around 70ish and we chat alot, he was complaining about the last set of doors he sent out with this design on the bottom. then he took me into his shop and showed me and some of the joints were off by a heavy 32 almost 1/16 and really takes away from the door so we cooked up a plan to make them on the cnc and he is going to tell his guys....

"I came in on saturday and made this and this is how I want all of them!"

It comes out perfect on the cnc, a lil sanding with 150 on a block and they are flawless.

I cut 1/4 of it out in walnut with the grain going correct directions and it looks great.