View Full Version : Dimensioned mounting hole drawings?

03-19-2007, 01:45 PM
I'm looking for drawings for making pockets to use European style (in this case, Blum) hinges. I've not been able to find this data on the net. Can someone point me in the right direction?


03-19-2007, 02:13 PM

03-19-2007, 04:15 PM
Gene, if you have a Blum sales rep, ask them about the new 'servo-drive' system.

It's a low-voltage system which takes push-to-open to a new level. A slight push on a drawer front, and the drawer comes out all of itself. And not just a little bit, it actually travels to the full extension (though you can set it to do a 50% extension travel).

I had my rep come over and do a demo last week, and this one really has to be seen to be believed. It ain't cheap, I think he said between 400-500SEK per drawer (US$55-70), but it has definetly got that certain flair about it that could hook a customer and make them instinctively reach for their figurative wallet.

I'm not even a kitchen-maker guy, and I was in a slight trance. Push, out, push, in, push, out ... really cool stuff.

All that aside, bore dimensions for blum hinges should be easy to find, but if you come up short just give a holler and I'll scan & post a pic from my catalogue.

03-19-2007, 04:40 PM
Ok, looking at my catalogue here I'd need to know what hinge you're using and what door overlay (or etc) you want, and I can post the relevant dimensioning.

If I sound like a Blum fanboy I should perhaps add here that I have never, ever, purchased anything from them. I'm on their mail list and I have a rep that keeps coming though we never buy anything, never really figured out why, but they've been very pleasant to deal with so far (Blum Sweden) and I'm ok with it since I keep bugging them about making longer extensions that I could actually use (one of these days...). Also, my sister's boyfriend is in the kitchen retail sector and his kitchens are Blum hardware, he's doing very well with it, I think.

Us, we're a Hettich shop, but as I said, Blum has been extraordinarily pleasant to deal with, and they do have some very nice hardware (just not for us).

03-19-2007, 06:39 PM
Henrik, I found the Blum hinges in the Rockler catalog. (Face it, they should rename the book The Rockler Cabinet Pr0n Catalog.

The hinges I'm looking at are the 120 degree, clip top, snap closing, full overlay hinges.
Any idea how I can get my hands on one of those catalogs? The dimensions would be hugely appricated though!

These aren't for resale. I'm building cabinets in my workshop and I decided doors would be a nice touch.

Those servo driven drawers really pique the geek in me though.



03-19-2007, 08:23 PM
Gene -

Does this help?



03-20-2007, 03:40 AM
Gene, here's an image (http://members.arstechnica.com/x/hiphink/blum-cliptop120.jpg) of the reference page for the Clip Top 120. Let me know if it's enough to get your required info.

You should be able to get the catalogue by calling your closest Blum sales office.

03-20-2007, 01:44 PM
Kevin, that's a really cool doc, but it doesn't show the door side detail I need to create the proper pocket for the hinge.

Henrik, with the image you posted am I correct in reading that:

For the Screw-On and INSERTA/Knock-in hinges that the 35mm (1-3/8"?) hole is 3.6mm from the edge of the door and the required pocket depth is 12.6mm, or basically 1/2"?



03-20-2007, 02:41 PM

Sorry about posting a pic with such small detail. It's easy to read it wrong.

Anyway, getting the measure from the door side to the outer perimeter of the 35mm center pocket, i.e the drilling distance, depends on your door overlay.

If you want full overlay, then it's the same as the carcase side thickness. If you have a Clip Top 120 as in the upper left picture, a mounting plate numer 0 (zero), and want full overlay on a side that's 16mm thick, then (looking at the upper left table) drilling distance is 5mm. If you use the same hardware but want a 14mm overlay, then drilling distance is 3mm.

That distance plus the radius of the pocket (in this case 17.5mm) gives you the center of the pocket, keep adding as per the tables at the bottom to get the center of the side pockets.

Kevin's excellent link gives you the sys32 dimensionals for the mounting plate plus spacing between doorside pockets.

At least that's how I read it, as I mentioned earlier I've never worked with Blum hardware.

Performing a test is always a good idea, I assume.

03-20-2007, 02:51 PM
Anyway, since I got Dynalog Lite with the Blum catalogue, if you give me some project dimensions I can give you the boring dimensions, well, most of them anyway (the others are easy to just add to the numbers provided).

I think I'd need to know door height, door thickness and desired door overlay and that should be enough.

03-20-2007, 03:44 PM
Thanks for the offer Henrik. I'm at least a week out before I start heating up AutoCAD with this, so you need not go to the extra effort.

I'm still working on getting work benches finished.

What is Dynalog Lite?

thanks all!

03-20-2007, 03:55 PM
Well, if you want any input as you approach the cuts, just give a holler.

Dynalog (or dynaplan, not sure) is Blum's parametric cabinet software. Input the basic job dimensions and functions and it gives you a materials list and drilling positions etc. The Lite version is included with the catalogue, it's very basic but works for simple cabinets I suppose.

Good luck with the project!

03-20-2007, 06:18 PM
Do I just contact Blum USA to get a catalog?



03-21-2007, 03:07 PM
Yeah, unlike Hettich and Häfele whose catalogues are double-brick sized, the Blum catalogue is fairly thin so over here, at least, they're more than happy to send it to you for free.

Just call them in the morning and you should have it the next business day.

Do get the Hettich and Häfele catalogues, though. They're absolute gold mines for hardware, with the ease of purchasing and dealing with just two vendors. If you build up an account there you will quickly get standing rebates of 10-30%, even if you just purchase small stuff in low quantities.

In my opinion, Häfele offers a wider range of products but Hettich is somewhat easier to deal with because they get all their stuff to you quite quickly, while many Häfele products are not on the shelf and takes 1-2 weeks or more. Price is about the same, maybe with a slight edge to Hettich.

Now, this is of course tinted by me being Swedish, but I somewhat doubt there's many US companies which can offer the same range of in-house products, supported all the way, for the prices of those Big Two.

03-22-2007, 12:07 AM
blum's are 35 mm and 3/16's from edge of door.
They say 1/2" overlay but I always measure at 3/8".

03-22-2007, 03:27 PM

I think that would depend on both the exact blum hinge in question and the desired overlay.