View Full Version : Glass carving

08-22-2008, 03:23 PM
Has anyone ever tried or know how to carve glass on the ShopBot? basically 3/8 plate glass - str8

08-22-2008, 10:03 PM
To cut glass you will need a swivel knife like from a vinyl plotter, and you will want to cut lines to remove the pieces, like cutting out the state of Texas.


08-23-2008, 01:22 PM
Actually a swivel knife will not cut glass, to need a cutter that is designed specificly to do it, and then it will only score a line so you can break away the unwanted pieces. They do make a glass saw, and the "blades" for it are a fine diamond powder glued to the rod, kind of like a very thin grinding wheel. Only problem is it needs a flow of water to keep the particles washed away to continue cutting, grinding is a better word. To get any real depth or texture from plate glass you would either have to do glue chipping, or sand blasting in order to control the depth.

08-23-2008, 03:10 PM
Been using this for the last 10 years to cut glass, it scores the glass enought to be able to break the pieces. it is just the tip of a 45 degree vinyl knife.