View Full Version : Tech Support Pat on the Back

06-14-2007, 02:24 PM
Most of us have a tendency to complain when things go wrong but seldom show gratitude when things are right.

This morning I had a problem with my ShopBot and received help quickly from Scott and Frank. As always, there was something amiss right in the middle of a job that had to be finished today and they helpede with a temporary "fix" until the problem could be permanently corrected.

Thanks guys. You saved the day.

06-15-2007, 01:01 AM
Yes. Ryan got my control software problems resolved in matter of minutes this morning and was very friendly too. Of course, once I got past that, I run into two more problems. I guess I'll give them another call tomorrow and get this thing to make me some money.

It's very frustrating for me being on the west coast though. I bust my hump to get the day to day things done in time to trouble shoot during east coast hours but just can't seem to get it done.

06-15-2007, 09:03 AM
Ray, Good point. Having been in the mobile communications business for over 30 years and continuously experiencing poor tech support. I certainly can attest to the top notch support I get from the great people at ShopBot. Keep up the good work folks!!

Bill Thorpe