View Full Version : Older machine - newer software?

08-05-2007, 09:41 PM
I have a 2000 PR, using SB v2.1(?). What's involved to be able to use Part Wizard?

Brady Watson
08-05-2007, 10:54 PM
Nothing. You can use PartWizard on anything from a cable-driven ShopBot all the way up to current models. PartWizard is CAD/CAM software and doesn't run the machine.

If you are referring to the SB3 program that controls the machine's movement, then you will need at least a 800MHz CPU with 256RAM+, and a PRT-style control box in order to use the Windows SB3 software. Otherwise you will have to keep using SB2 DOS, or upgrade your control box to a new PRT 4G control...which is well worth the investment.
