View Full Version : Jamboree 2002 thank-yous

05-05-2002, 09:01 PM
Hi from the two Bills,

Bill P. and I really want to thank all the people that helped make the first ShopBot Jamboree such a great success.

* First, Martha at ShopBot. Bill and I had the easy part...we got to plan a party at someone else's house, but she had to do all the hard work of getting ready for it. If it hadn't been for all her hard work and planning we would have all been fighting over three bags of potato chips for lunch and wondering why there wasn't any place to sit!

* Ted Hall for helping us out with lots of good ideas, making sure that we had just enough structure to make it all work, and being a great host throughout the weekend.

* ALL the ShopBot employees...they worked incredibly hard getting the ShopBot shop set up beforehand and gave so much of their time during the weekend to run tools and help out with anything that was asked of them.

* The vendors and friends that provided expertise, food, supplies, and lots of neat door prizes.

* Finally and most importantly, the 100+ ShopBotters who came from all over the world to attend.... Ireland, Mexico, Hawaii, the Virgin Islands, and all over Canada and the US. We hope that everyone that attended learned a little bit and also had some fun, but we KNOW that they all generously shared with each other their hard-earned experiences and ideas. It will be interesting to see what new and neat products and projects come out of this "meeting of the minds".

Thanks again to EVERYONE involved,
the two Bills

05-06-2002, 07:53 AM
Wow! What a weekend. I learned so much that I really need to sit down and make notes, but I was in too much of a hurry to get home and cut a couple of signs with my new software.

As in most crafts many of the secrets are just that, secrets. The guys who do this every day guard them closely and dribble out information one little nugget at a time. Having all of this put before me on a plate was just unbelievable.

Thanks, I know just how much effort you guys must have put forth.

Tom Lempicke

05-06-2002, 11:32 AM
Call for all pix! We're hoping that many of you who took pictures at the Jamboree will share them with everyone else.If you have them saved in digital format you can e-mail them to jamboree@shopbottools.com (mailto:jamboree@shopbottools.com). If they are actual photos ( prints), or videos, please mail them to Shopbot Tools,"attention Martha".
And just to echo Bill Y.'s earlier posting, we really enjoyed meeting and working with everyone who attended. We're now hoping some of you will follow this up and start to plan "regional"meetings to keep the creative juices flowing..Bill P.

05-06-2002, 03:44 PM
Just to get things started there are a couple of pictures from the level 1 training and the opening reception on Thursday on the ShopBot web site at http://www.shopbottools.com/jamboree.htm

Bill Y.

05-06-2002, 05:39 PM
It is 4pm here in The Ozark Mountains on Monday afternoon, And I just got home from one of the Best weekends I can remember. Had a Great time with everyone at The Jamboree. Now I have to go out and unload my new benchtop out of the trailer. Hope to have it going in a couple of days. Thanks for putting on such an informative weekend.

05-06-2002, 06:41 PM
Concerning the jamboree, I just want to say thanks to all those who made my trip from Michigan a worthwile adventure. A special thanks to Donna, Kathy , Tim, Bill, and Gordon for all their help.

05-06-2002, 07:48 PM
It was a great weekend...thanks to all who came to Durham. A BIG thanks to everyone at ShopBot for making it happen. A special thanks to Bill and Bill...they are the guys with the experience! John and Renee...thanks for ALL your help! Get ready for next year!!!!!

05-06-2002, 09:55 PM
What a worthwhile, informative, and enjoyable weekend! All the folks at ShopBot did an incredible job, and the attendees were a great group of people. It just proves that when you buy a ShopBot, you don't just get a tool, you become part of a family.
It was really nice seeing what everyone is doing with their Shopbots, getting answers face to face from the experts, and making some new friends as well.
When the dust settles, we will inquire about hosting the first Southeast camp ShopBot this fall in Atlanta.
David Buchsbaum and Ted McWilliams

05-06-2002, 11:08 PM
Thank you for a great weekend. This was the best trade type show I have ever attended and I have been to a lot of them. I wish I could have come home to play with my ShopBot, but had orders to fill. My son Joe, didn't let go of his new key board for the 14 hour trip home even when he was sleeping. He told every one he saw he received it for being the youngest ShopBoter. If you need any help for next year, don't hesitate to call. We would be glad to help out.
Thank You, Jim and Joe Littiken

05-07-2002, 01:41 AM
Jim, you mean next year we can call Joe?

Sounds like we missed a great event - but it was just too far. Anytime you guys want to hold a jamboree in Cape Town, just shout.

Congrats to the organisers to get this type of feedback. Very nice to see all the new names at the Forum too.

05-07-2002, 09:53 AM
Thanks to Shopbot and Bill and Bill. It was a great weekend with lots to digest. I "wasted" all of yesterday playing with the shopbot.

05-07-2002, 12:04 PM
Wow! sounds like I missed out on a great weekend.
Just bought a shopbot and am very eager to pick it up from Jeff in Michigan. I hope to use the machine to cut out easy-to-build flat-bottom skiffs for a "family" boatbuilding event.

I'll be there next year Bill if things go as planned.

Jim Hammond innerbayboats

05-07-2002, 02:35 PM
What An Event !!!
Its hard to top what has already been said about the Jamboree - - then again its going to be hard to top the events of the First Annual Jamboree weekend.

We also want to thank all those that made the event happen !!

It was geart to see the people in person that we have met as a result of ShopBot and this forum.
Plus all the new friends we made !!!


Paul & Joyce Nielsen

05-07-2002, 06:22 PM
As a person that is going to soon purchase a ShopBot I would have truly valued going to the jamboree. Unfortunatly had other work commitments.
Looking forward to see more pictures.
I live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada & would like to talk to any Canadian out there that has a ShopBot.
Please e-mail me at: canquest@shaw.ca (mailto:canquest@shaw.ca)
Thanks. Always enjoy reading thru this forum.

05-08-2002, 12:08 PM
Are there any distributors for the Shopbot in Canada? Just a thought... We could use one to expand the market for this tool. The dollar exchange is terrible, but maybe through distribution from a Canadian base that imports a large number of these machines, we can lower that margin of exchange and sell a few.

Jim Hammond

05-09-2002, 02:32 AM
What a great weekend! I tell everyone that I talk to about what a great company ShopBot is and how wonderful the people that own ShopBots are.
I can't thank everyone enough for the information and help that I recieved over the weekend.
I have never been so confident in making a purchase in my entire life. I am very anxious to get my new ShopBot and start making chips (sorry Chip, you are one of a kind)

I am looking forward to some great times with my newly acquired friends.

05-09-2002, 06:55 AM
There have been a lot more Jamboree pictures and information posted on the ShopBot web site at http://www.shopbottools.com/jamboree.htm


05-09-2002, 09:13 AM
So, when will the new hardware and software be available to everyone?

05-09-2002, 10:30 AM
Ron, ShopBot Part Wizard is available now for $495.00 and the Bar Code Wand is 75.00. Ted is putting the finishing touches on the ShopBot Workshop and the 5-axis tool and we will post a notice on the forum when they are ready. Expect to see Bill's Project Wizard available in the future on our web site.

06-06-2002, 08:45 AM
My .02c...

I really like getting together and meeting other folks. The family-type atmosphere just made it better. Thanks a lot for the opportunity to meet everyone and gain more of a "clue" as to how to operate our machine.

Martha...we have not forgotten about your t-shirt!

Chip Marshall

06-07-2002, 01:12 PM
We're glad you Marshalls had fun. It was a blast having you here, and we hope you make it back for the next. I sent you an email regarding a possible related side project - hope you got it.

Grant Bailey
grant@shopbottools.com (mailto:grant@shopbottools.com)