View Full Version : TechShop Durham Design Assistance

12-23-2008, 08:21 PM
Hi ShopBot users and owners!

My name is Marshall, I'm a volunteer with a new business that is opening in Durham, NC. Perhaps you have heard of it, it's called TechShop. It is basically a membership machine shop. I'm not going to explain it in detail so if you'd like more information then check out the website here: http://techshopdurham.com/

I have been asked by the owner, Scott Saxon, to seek out assistance from the ShopBot community. Scott needs furniture for TechShop. He already has the ShopBot (a PRS-Alpha 96x60) and he can get the wood but he doesn't have the designs for the furniture.

Currently we are looking for a design for a soldering/electronic workbench but we are also going to need cabinets for a kitchen in the near future as well. Not to mention a lot of smaller tables for computers and other equipment.

If you are interested in lending a hand with some design work and sharing some knowledge with others along the way then please post a response or send an email my way: marshallmassengill@gmail.com (mailto:marshallmassengill@gmail.com)

Also, if you live in NC then we could certainly use extra hands for other volunteer work as well as assembly work for these projects.

Thanks and have a very happy Christmas!

12-23-2008, 09:32 PM
There goes the pool table!

12-29-2008, 04:30 PM
Interesting site But I think ShopBot Owners should be able to sign up for a free Charter Membership.

I mean that seems reasonable to me you come here asking for free help, help us out a little.

Things work both ways hear on this forum. That's what makes it such a great forum.


And No Bob the Pool Table is now in the Power House (electricity and compressed air for the yard) at Newport News Ship Building and Dry Dock....Our Tax dollars at work go figure.

12-30-2008, 05:02 PM
I'm not an employee of TechShop, I'm a volunteer. As such, I can't grant you any memberships or compensate you. I don't know what rewards will be given for volunteering but I can tell you that the help is greatly appreciated. Like I said, I'm not an employee, I'm just a volunteer looking for more volunteers.

As for ShopBot owners being able to sign up for a charter membership, you are able to do that without any intervention from me or anyone else. Simply go to the Techshop Durham website and follow the links.

12-30-2008, 07:51 PM
Membership machine shop, Great idea!

I'll bet insurance will be a headache!