View Full Version : Another use for my alignment laser.

04-11-2008, 02:19 AM
I bought one of these guys because I could do more then find a corner
But I found another use for it. I have this furniture guy in the same underground basement and he freehand draws patterns for parts he wants cut. Well sometimes they are hard to take a pic of and import them or it is not accurate enough.
Well not I can get it down out put the pattern on the table put the laser in and run the toolpath and see how they match. Here is a sample of a part.
oops forgot the pic at work will get it tomorrow.

04-11-2008, 01:37 PM
I have kind of done the same thing myself. When it was going to be a close call on the material size i have loaded up the laser and ran the toolpath to make sure it stayed within the material.

04-11-2008, 02:50 PM
yep and lining up jigs and such. I liked the super zero better for zeroing as I don't have to change the bit but the laser will do more overall.
here is the part I needed.