View Full Version : ATTN Indexer users...HELP!

12-01-2006, 11:04 PM
This is my first setup of my indexer and there seems to be a problem. I go thru shopbot software to Tools/Indexer set up a file to turn a 3" square to a 2" round. That seems ok. I want to set my Z zero but it says i need the file named
"indxzero.sbp". I have looked on my cd, on shopbot website, and cannot find it. Can anyone tell me where i can get it?
You use your Zzero plate to set your Z height. When you use your plate do you set it on the flat side of the wood (flat surface being 90 degrees to the bit)? The reason i ask is that in doing it that way in the first revolution of your stock that first sharp edge is going to add 1/4" or more to the depth of your first cut, possibly causing problems. It seems to me you would want to Zzero it to the highest point of the wood (If the wood was set so the edge was up looking like a diamond instead of a square).
Now after getting to this point of making the file as i outlined above, it asks me "do i want to cut this file now"? So knowing that i don't have a bit in there and it is above the stock i say yes to see what it will do. When I do the indexer motor starts to make noise like maybe teeth are just barely catching but nothing is turning. I stop it immediately. I take the chuck off the motor thinking maybe it is not allowing the motor to spin? I try file again, same noise I shut down immediately. Is there something not engaged in the indexer motor that i have to do? Is it somehow locked down internally and i have to do something to make it engage? The very first time you ran your indexer did it make noise or spin? THANKS!

12-02-2006, 12:07 AM
Yo Jack!

I don't have a Zzero plate so I can't comment on that. The few turnings I've done so far were custom programs zeroed at the center of the workpiece.

About those noises; be sure the unit values and multiplier are correct for your model of indexer. Mine made some funky noises and turned super slow (and then way too fast!) until I got the unit vales correct. Call shopbot for those. Also I would figure it out using the keypad before diving into a program. I believe you use shift+pageup and shift+pagedown keys to move axis "B".