View Full Version : Burnt-out. kind of off topic.

03-10-2009, 03:40 PM
I have been excitedly chugging along for over 3 years now with my Shopbot. As the recession took hold I grabbed up commercial jobs which I normally turn down. The Copy/paste mentality of commercial work has completely burned me out on my work. I have never worked for money and I think this may be the root of the problem.

It has been almost a 20 year journey in my carpentry and I am unsure if it is Burn-out, mid life crisis or things just got too easy for me.

I have been turning down cabinetry jobs left and right. This has been my lifetime deal.. I start great businesses and then I get burnt out.

How does one overcome this obstacle of complacency? For the last month or more I don't even visit my ongoing jobs.

I know that dirty hands make for a clean mind but Im having trouble getting off my butt and doing anything. Wondering if any of you guys out there have hit this wall and what you have done to overcome it.

I read these boards every day and I know there are tons of carpenters out there older than me so spit out your advice!

Brady Watson
03-10-2009, 03:49 PM
"How does one overcome this obstacle of complacency?"

Dream bigger...and find something that you really love doing. The Bot is a perfect extension of your dreams in the sense that you can go from idea to physical object, very quickly. The burn-out thing happens to all of us at one time or another. The key is to re-evaluate where you want to go in life, and believe it or not, it could just be a state of mind or feeling that you truly seek out in the end - not necessarily a product or vocation.

Not to sound trite but, what exactly, do you REALLY want out of life?...and what's stopping you from achieving it? (tell those negative voices to shut up when they pop up) The question is rhetorical in the case of this board, but one that you need to ask yourself as often as possible. Today's dreams are tomorrow's reality.


03-10-2009, 04:18 PM
It sounds like you may be suffering from some form of depression.
You might want to check it out.
We all get the blues,but if they continue or keep coming back and effects our everday life-then there could be more involved.
A pep talk won't be enough.

With the right help - It will get better!


03-10-2009, 04:31 PM
Brady is right. Dreams and hope is what drives all of us. Expand your network, talk to new people. Try an new project. You are not alone, but you are a sharp enough guy to figure out how to take some control of your situation. Nothing happens overnight. Do not bloat about today, because you never know what tomorrow will bring. It's taken me 8 months of struggle to get the jobs I want. Take the first step, and write down what you want, the dreams you dream of, and the amount of money you want to possess. Remember no one ever gets something for nothing, you must be willing to give up some things to get what you want. Keep your head up dude. Look in the direction you want to go. If you are looking at the ground, guess where you will go?

03-10-2009, 04:55 PM
I used to live in H.B. and I know if you hit up some of the surf and sail shops for a new challenge then you might find what you are looking for. Or if you want you can check out tradeshow companies in the O.C...(On a side note please send me some real Mexican food.The Mexican food here stinks.)


03-10-2009, 04:56 PM
danny there was a period of years i had to walk out to the graveyard next door and pray to fall back in love with my business before i got back in the building, these days it's a cake walk when compared to that time,


03-10-2009, 05:04 PM
"Down in the dumps"?
Sure beats the heck out of being down in the dumps because of not having work to turn down.

03-10-2009, 05:23 PM
THX for all the advice.. I do hope it is not some sort of depression.

In any case, I know I need to get busy with my hands instead of sitting around all day answering e-bike emails.

03-10-2009, 05:24 PM
I wasn't trying to be cruel......... but do the math - California weather, too much work, looks like the fishing is great(profile pic), versus cold NY weather, work kinda scarce, fishing has to wait till spring. Darn, now I feel bummed about things, oh well, can always go out to the shop and tinker with the 'Bot, make a sample or something.

03-10-2009, 05:58 PM
Ha... well things are not always as they appear.

California life isn't as it is portrayed on TV.

Something I have learned along the way is "to not compare my insides with other peoples outsides."

03-10-2009, 06:08 PM
I know, gives meaning to the saying "grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence" and "walk a mile in his shoes".

03-10-2009, 06:30 PM
Maybe you are a serial entrepreneur. It is possible you enjoy the challenge of starting a business and fine tuning it so that it can be a success more than the actual success itself. I say sell your business and start another one!

03-10-2009, 06:44 PM
Thats funny Erik. You are the 4th person to tell me that.

03-10-2009, 07:11 PM
Didn't mean to bum you out even more.
Just saying to keep your eyes open.
Depression is serious,but can be overcome.

My daughter is in the play Annie at school.
She's always singing
"The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow....."
and you know......



03-10-2009, 07:25 PM
I am that way Danny I'm in year 3 successful buiness and it has nothing to do with my shopbot. Why do you think I post so much! Like someone else said I have to try to fall back in love with my business. This is my 3rd new business. My challenge latly is how to reinvent the business and pushit into new direction and innovate!

03-10-2009, 08:40 PM
As I mentioned in another thread about teaching what you know, you have a talent and experience in finishes and cabinet making that if you took the time to create a course outline you could teach others.

You could make money, you could possibly teach at others shops if you get enough people together and price your course right. That would let you travel, a change of scene.

I was told at a young age that if you learn a trade you can go anywhere and get a job. You can teach what you know anywhere. Think about it.

03-10-2009, 08:44 PM
btw, i'm 55 and I STILL don't know what i want to do for the rest of my life.

03-10-2009, 09:36 PM
a doctor once told me walking releases the same endorphins as welbutrin, he told me to try that first, that was years ago and he has saved me a fortune in antidepressants



03-10-2009, 11:33 PM
when I am in a slump. I take a walk, and I keep walking until my head is clear. Could be miles. Then, I turn around and go home and enjoy the rest of my walk. It helps.

03-10-2009, 11:45 PM
A nice long motorcycle ride always does me good! A little different type of "man and machine" relationship than the man and the bot. ;-) As the miles add up and the wind washes the cares of the day off, I converse one on one with my "MAKER" and I come home with a renewed mind and spirit (and yes, my wife is generally right behind me, in the passenger seat).

Suffering from a little burnout myself and this WI winter has dragged on long enough! It's time to ride! What I wouldn't give for some warm dry California backroads!

Keep the shiny side up Danny!

03-10-2009, 11:50 PM
I commute on my bike and that helps. but having to work or starve keeps things going.

03-11-2009, 12:44 AM
Funny you should post this Danny. I have found myself in the same frame of thought lately. I have been talking to the wife about this for the last few months. I have yet to pin point what it is, but I feel very much the same as you are describing. Except for me the sun has not come out in some time.

I work out of a shop that I built behind my home. My day consists of getting up at 9 am. I check my email and phone messages and then I run on my elliptical for 40 minutes. I shower and each lunch then I go out to the shop to make sawdust. I proceed to make sawdust while every couple hours or so stopping to check my email and possible phone messages. I go in at night to eat supper and spend time with my daughter. Once she is tucked into bed I go back out to the shop and make more sawdust. I quit in the shop at 2am and I go into the office and finish up and computer work and emails and then I get to bed about 3-4am.

Then it starts all over again. I keep telling myself that eventually I will have time to try a new design or project, however it seems I am always about a week behind where I want to be on production so I never have time to Just be new and creative. My social life consists of talking to a four year old, my wife and my father in law who works for me part time. He is retired and looking for something to do so he hangs out with me at the shop and does odd jobs.

This has been going on for more than 4 years now and it is to the point that I don't even know what day it is. There are no weekends, just the next workday. My fear is that I might work right through my daughters graduation without even realizing it.

At the first of this year we signed up for a recreation center membership. I told my wife that if we signed up that we were going to go swimming every other Saturday or we were not going to pay for membership. So far we have done this and it is a great time to get away from the shop. We stop by the local DQ afterwards and let the kids play on the play set and eat a late lunch. This has been a great way to spend some quality time with the family as a family.

If you find the answer Please let me know. I don't think I can afford the little red sports car or the mistress so if you find that it is just a midlife crisis please keep this to yourself!!!!! j/k

I've found that having more work than you can do is almost as stressful as having none and wondering how your going to eat.


03-11-2009, 12:51 AM
I've found that having more work than you can do is almost as stressful as having none and wondering how your going to eat.

I've found that having more work than you can do is almost as stressful as having none and wondering how your going to eat.

that I doubt I have been on the other end far more. you can raise your prices till work gets within the limits you want. but your SOL if you don't have enough and are behind on all your bills for months or years. I have worked whole weeks without making a penny.

03-11-2009, 08:36 AM
Jack Jarvis said:
[btw, i'm 55 and I STILL don't know what i want to do for the rest of my life.]

Heck, Jack. I'll turn 54 this year and I don't know what I want to do when I grow up!


Have you ever considered engineering a 3-wheeled neighborhood electric vehicle using your e-bike motors? Don't they rent bikes and trikes at the beach there? (man, I do miss H.B. sometimes) I recognize your malady, you need an intellectual challenge. You've gotten too good at what you do with wood and it's no longer a challenge. I've been doing computers for over 30 years now and believe me, I know all about being burned out...

03-11-2009, 10:07 AM
Hey Danny, just a few thoughts here but having lived in Mission Viejo for 15 years, I'm pretty familiar with the area and can't help but wonder about what I might try if I were back there. 3 thoughts come to mind. Go where the money is!
1) Something artistic for the Laguna & Newport beach areas. With all that creative action going on there, you might find it helpful to collaborate with some artists and develop new and exciting things to be routed as art or even 3D molds for some castings. In addition to stimulating new ideas, its always nice to work with someone rather than alone. 2 heads are better than one.
2)Boats, boats, boats. Looks like you're a bit of a fisherman so boat parts, custom boat furniture, handy tables, drink holders, rod holders, bait boxes, and the like might be a fit. Might even turn into some cool product lines.
The "boat board" material is nice to machine, no finishing, and lasts forever. Good value.
I saw some dock stations here in chicago at boat docks that were positioned at the end of most boat slips. They were super easy design/build, and there for convenience. Had a garbage or boat bag lower cabinet one could lock up and on top was a simple elevated drink holder with maybe 4 to 6 cup holes in it and a center section for the bottle or cooler of your choice. I believe they were made of PVC, no paint, no finishing.
Folks gotta hang out before and after their outings and need a spot for their drinks eh?
3) Used to be lots of equestrian happenings along the Santa Ana Mtn areas all the way to San Diego including the race track. Horse people might be interested in stable signs or even unique furniture for their horse happenings, homes, trailers, etc. Its amazing what some of those "live in trailers" have in them.
The 1st and toughest step in getting out of the "funk" is recoginizing you are in one.
You got that far so its all down hill from here.
Can't wait to hear what you come up with.

03-11-2009, 01:25 PM
I went through a hard year last year. I am a software QA manager, same age as Jack! My company is doing well but the team I managed had some people in it, that made life difficult because everyone else is stupid and only they are the smart ones. They hated authority an any level.

A couple of times, I almost just walked out the door. My boss recognized that I was "doing" the job but not doing it with heart so he moved me to a new group of engineers that wanted some guidance and protection. They had been "manager-less" for 2 years. Life has changed dramatically.

During that time, in the evenings, I explored things I like to do. I built a dinghy, I dreamt about what would be good for ME and my family, I rebuilt docks at a friend's camp and just tried different things.

I found out about Shopbot, went to training and purchased a machine.I plan to have a wood products business when I retire. I will work alone because I don't want all the hassles of payroll, etc...

My 401K is in shambles. BUT, I feel with some serious dedication, I can build a small, one person business to live on and to build it back...

One more year of college bills for son #2. Son #1 is a lawyer, Son #2 is an industrial engineer (and he has his eye on my shopbot)

My main job is safe; The economy will have us with flat revenue this year and we will work on placing computerized automated testing in place. Flat is fine compared to declining...

I think you need to decide what your next interest is and dabble in a small way and see if that really would make a difference in your life.

If I won a lottery, I would certainly leave my job, set up a modular house factory to work with Habitat for Humanity. The goal would be to have a clean, dry place for volunteers to work, connected to several technical schools as a training ground and build good houses as inexpensive as possible. My State Rep would be required to find land, owned by the state, to be donated for 20 houses per year..

This would make a better dent in the housing problems I see. One design, 3 bedroom ranch, foam insulated...low maintenance...


Your future is about dreams and dabble.

I am religious, but will leave that alone but volunteering at my church (I have rebuilt 8 toilets the last 2 weeks) and that brings me great pleasure...

The only mistake I think I made last year is I bought a log cabin in Maine as a second home. Now I feel the grind to pay a mortgage again and I don't think I need that grind. The cabin will be lovely and my family and friends will enjoy it a lot... but it is just another bill to be paid.


03-11-2009, 03:18 PM
Wow.. Thx for all the responses!

The very first thing I did was see my doctor (this was on March 2nd) and he asked me to try out a mild anti depressant. Which is a little uncomfortable for me to do but I did it regardless. The outcome was that I may have a serotonin imbalance which is more prominent during winter months due to less sunlight, most likely cause by heavy drinking/etc in my youth.

I don't mess around with problems in life or business and always hit them head on and pound my way through so I can get on to the next thing.

So after humoring my doctor just to cover all bases I am still left with an empty feeling and a little more lethargic than before because of the pills.

I grew up in H.B. I thought about the rental thing long and hard for Newport, HB, Catalina etc. But as it is now I am still perfecting my kits and there is some room for improvement. We are manufacturing a battery box with a high end lithium battery that mounts at the waterbottle holes and as soon as this is complete I will go forward with approaching the local bike stores etc.

I feel like I'm being long winded but after all the responses I thought I had better reply.

I have always jumped from one challenge to the next and at the moment I don't have one. My problem is that I cant be comfortable being stagnant I need to keep learning new things and moving forward. So it is leaving me with an odd feeling.

I turned 39 in Feb. I never thought I would live this long lol so I am now re evaluating myself and what I want to do. As all of you know owning your own business has its benefits and drawbacks. You take all the responsibility work long hours. But you are in control of your own destiny rather than putting your families future in the hands of another mans judgment.

There are a ton of good ideas here. I really don't have patience to teach people. I have taught countless carpenters over the years only to be my competition in the end.

So for now I am going to take a long look at what I want to be doing in the next 5 years and push towards that.

Almost forgot...
Dave Rodda. Lol yeah I pushed that way for close to 6 years and my current state of mind is where it has left me. I did go out and buy the Mercedes lol but unfortunately it didn't "fix me". So dont waste the $$ lol!!

03-11-2009, 11:31 PM

Creative is often manic & and the grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side. Just try not to give up 10 seconds before the miracle happens.

I too am a challenge jumper & trying to hang in through doing what makes money & what I think that I want to do.

Just breathe & try to talk to people.

03-11-2009, 11:51 PM
WELCOME to getting older.I think that if you really knew how many people have felt the same way as you , you would be amazed. I am ahead of you on the road that you are on, and have done the things that you are now doing with the same results ,none. Over the years i have learned that you can not buy happiness(car , Boat ect) they fill a need for a small time and then the same old feelings come back. Sometime you get more done by doing less, Take a few days or weeks and walk away from it all. Turn it over to someone else and tell them NOT to call you , that you will call them in a few days. if you get away for a short time DO NOT take your cell phone, If you do you are not taking a break , you are just working from a different location. I a few years ago offered my shop to the guy that works with me CHEAP and looking back i am glad he declined. Think about the reasons you do this kind of work and the love that you used to have and learn to appreciate it again. I have been doing this type work for 30 years now and have gotten burned out severly ( 3RD degree at times) and had to learn to rethink the whole thing . I do this work because i love it , I take care of my tools and they take care of me. If works gets too hectic and sucks i take a break. I Run the shop and I REFUSE TO LET IT RUN ME. I am the boss , The shop is not my boss.. I thank the Good Lord every day for what all i have been given because i dont know what i would do without it. I have tried all the things you have and i agree , alot of the time we get so caught up in our work that it consumes us . When was the last time you looked up at the sky and saw the beauty in the little things , This morning i sat outside the shop and just listened to the birds sing , The work was still there when i went inside. sometimes you just need to step back and re evaluate your priorities and take a walk........... Life isnt about the work its about living,
Hope this helps , Keep your chin up , it makes a better target for the birds.LOL