View Full Version : Tomorrow, IT arrives in my shop... Sometime Tomorrow...

08-26-2006, 07:29 PM
PRTAlpha96... purchased at the IWF Wednesday, I get to pick it up in the morning. I'm going to be there at 8AM. It will arrive and fill this large hole in my shop. I'm local so it works out perfect.

I doubt I get much sleep tonight, I've already created 6 projects in PartWizard.

I still have to run the 220 power over but that won't take long. I wanted to set it where I "think" it goes and admire it a little while.

I'm planning to place it right at the roll up door side of the shop, it'll be right next to the entrance and close to sheet storage. Seems logical, but I want to feel it there before I commit.

Can some of you share some experience of mistakes/wishes in your initial setup? Things you wish you would have done different? How you use the storage underneath? Some "if you had it to do over again" type stuff. This thing is heavy and when the help goes home... I'd like it to be set where she goes.

Speaking of help, oddly enough they expect to get paid via projects, cabinets and such. I suspect this will be an ongoing issue. One has already said "Oh, with that it won't take any work at all to..." I felt my work often lacked respect in the past, I'm afraid the perceived simplicity of this CNC will make it worse.

Have any of you guys dealt with that? What'd ya do?


08-26-2006, 07:47 PM
I have mine sitting up against a wall with 0,0 toward the wall. (orientation is similar to a bed and 0,0 is the headboard.) I wish I would have not placed it this way, now I have to run the carriage down to the end of the table to change bits. The other option is to lean over the table and that is awkward and results in a rack print on my shirt. Setting it against a wall is probably fine but put it with 0,0 out to the open side.

08-26-2006, 08:04 PM
I would keep at least 2ft away from the walls so that you can walk past it for cleanup and other issues. Also keep in mind that you should have the computer by the 0,0 location so that you can zeroe it easyer .I keep mine with in arms length for pushing buttons ect.

Have fun and be save .
Bot on

08-27-2006, 09:12 PM
I would suggest mounting the control box and VFD on a wall close to your 0 / 0 location. It makes it much cleaner and if you need to service it's much simpler at eye level the under the table. Also keep as much room open around it as possible. And keep one end open for loading larger panels. Good luck.... I have had my ShopBot for a few months, your going to have fun. Email me some time I would like to talk about Bats we have lots in Northern WI. Do you anything about building Bat valves to get ride of them, or any other suugestions.

08-28-2006, 12:33 PM
It's here, it's physically setup and all the wiring cleaned up. I need to connect power and suction and it's ready to go. Off to Home Depot for some electrical connections!
