View Full Version : Carving papyrus font
12-12-2007, 10:03 PM
I'm trying to carve this font on a quarterboard. The letters have very jagged edges to them as the font is drawn. Is there any way to smooth them out into nice, graceful vectors in the Partworks software?
Brady Watson
12-12-2007, 11:53 PM
Yes, although not automatically. You can use Node Edit mode to remove nodes and spans and convert them to smooth flowing bezier (French) curves. You need to do this manually. Node editing will allow you to do many things, and it is the ultimate in drawing power in the program.
12-13-2007, 07:06 AM
Rhino has a smooth function, but it is going to change the shape of the letters slightly. Most people choose Papyrus specifically for its old-time, jaggy look. You might want to consider another font. Try here:
12-14-2007, 05:53 PM
Glad I could help you out
12-14-2007, 09:04 PM
Sometimes outlining (or off-setting) then deleting your original... tnen inlining (or insetting) will result in an automated smoothing of the original shapes. IF this can be done in PW.. I dunno.
12-15-2007, 03:00 PM
Do you make kayak kits with your cnc?
Although I bought the bot to get into the sign business, my first cnc job to come along is cutting forms, bulkheads and panels for an F-22 trimaran. When the customer came over to my shop, he saw the Tolman skiff I built and asked me to not only cut the parts, but to build the boat for him as well. So I'll be warm and happy all winter building this boat. Sure beats the remodeling business.
Thanks again for straightening those letters.
12-15-2007, 03:07 PM
That is funny, my neighbor is making a F-22 and i cut out the forms for him as well.
I will also be cutting out his dagger board.
He is doing all the building himself.
They are nice looking boats.
12-16-2007, 12:20 AM
Sean, Is that Jay's F-22?
I've been following his progress.
Did the forms cut out close to the full size patterns? The dxf files I had caused the forms to have a curved bottom where they needed to be flat to sit on the strongback. I had to glue the cutout portions back on them in places.
12-16-2007, 12:51 AM
Jim, yes it is jay's F-22
He is making great progress and for never doing anything like this before he is doing a great job.
The dxf's cut to the right size.
I do remember i had to open them in an real old version of auto cad otherwise they were doing weired things, corners were rounding when not supposed too things like that.
Where are you in the process?
12-16-2007, 08:13 AM
I have the first side of the outer main hull complete but still in the forms. Still have to cut, laminate and install the beam and cabin bulkheads, bunk supports etc. It's been about three weeks getting to this point. My customer built the floats on his own, then decided he was in over his head.
Yes, all the dxf vectors Farrier sent had rounded corners that I had to adjust after they were cut. I figured it was a defect in the files he sent. Now I wonder if I could have photocopied the shapes of the forms that are in the plan book and somehow scanned them into my computer to make dxf files from. I'm very new at all this technical stuff.
Here are a few pics from before I finished the cabin roof:
12-16-2007, 01:40 PM
I had the same problem then for some reason i tried opening them in autocad 12 (i currently use 2005) and they worked fine.
Try that when you get to the cabin files or let me know and i will send you the ones that i used to cut off of.
That will be a nice project to keep you warm for the winter.
Looks like you are making good progress.
If you get in a jamb ask Jay he is a real good guy and i'm sure he would answer any question you may run in to.
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