View Full Version : Backlite material
02-19-2007, 02:27 PM
I'm looking for a plastic(plexiglass etc.) that when lit from the side will illuminate the front side of the material
I want to back lite a lithophne and was wondering if there is a material I could glue to the back of the lithophane,then side light this material.
I've seen some materials where engraved or etched will be illuminated when side lite
Anyone got any ideas
02-19-2007, 03:25 PM
I think i know the effect you are going for on the plexiglass where for example you carve letters on the face of the plexi and light it from the side and it looks like the only part that is illuminated is the carved part.
If you want to inset or hide the light source to shine only thru the side of the plexi heres how i would do it.
Lets say the item is 12"x12". Take a piece of walnut 13"x2" for a base and rout out the inside demension of 12"x1" then insert these lights that look like small flourescent lights they are called "cold cathode lights" (do a search on this forum or on google) they are inexpensive less than $10.00 and come in 4" and 12" lengths and different colors.
insert the light make a cover with a slot that the plexi sits in over top of the light, the light is hidden. It generates no heat! I have had some lighting a lithopane i did of my grandkids for months now, on 24/7 and they seem to be doing just fine.
If what you are trying to do is use the plexiglass as a conduit to light the lithopane by the method i described above i don't think the cold cathode lights will be bright enough to do that. Do your search and you will find here a good tutorial on how to wire up the lights also.
02-19-2007, 03:35 PM
Thanks Jack
Yes I am trying too get the material to conduct the light evenly across the lithophane.The idea is to keep the lithophane thin.
02-19-2007, 04:07 PM
Actually this isn't a bad idea. You will want to etch or engrave lines into the plexi so that it is "scored" all the way across evenly. Then you can use a small flourescent or neon or led to transfer the light across the plexi and out thrugh the lines.
02-19-2007, 04:20 PM
Thanks Bill
I,ve been thinking for awhile on how to make the frame thinner.
I've looked at backlite art and it was always to thick for my tastes.
I think superglue would stick the two mediums together.
I was thinking a surfacing bit would work well to etch the plexi.
02-20-2007, 01:57 PM
You may need to make a spirial toolpath in the material with a V bit to allow the light to extrude
forward. Let me know what works out the best.
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