View Full Version : THE LAST SUPPER

04-28-2008, 03:56 PM
It took 11 hours to cut, but, it was worth it.

04-28-2008, 04:10 PM
That's beautiful. What are the dimensions and what kind of wood is that?

04-28-2008, 05:01 PM
Thank you for your comment.
The dimensions are 24" x 13.118" and the wood is Walnut.

04-28-2008, 06:50 PM
Hi Jimmy
Where did you get that file , and what software did you use for the toolpathing ?. Is that something you can share with the rest of us ?.
Exellent work by the way .Keep it up .

Bot on

04-28-2008, 07:25 PM
Beautiful work.

That looks like the files from VectorArt 3D. I believed that James Booth posted something about it on the forum a few weeks ago. Check it out at www.vectorart3d.com (http://www.vectorart3d.com)

Andy B.

04-28-2008, 08:17 PM
To great the tool paths I used Vector Art 3D Machinist, and then I imported the file to VCarve Pro so I could cut a boarder around it. I bought the files from www.vectorart3d.com (http://www.vectorart3d.com). They do great work over there.

04-29-2008, 08:40 AM
Very nice Jimmy - thanks for posting the finished part.

04-29-2008, 11:37 AM
Something is afoot! - Who was first?

This VectorArt3D model looks exactly like the 3D Model Club item I bought back at the end of March. Did I get hoodwinked and/or is some pirating going on here? When did VectorArt3D make theirs available? Looks like VectorArt3D added a nameplate block in front of the table. The upper lefthand corner of the picture rises exactly like the 3D Model Club version. It might be good if we could here back from both parties. Interesting note; the VectorArt3D is half the price of the 3D Model Club version.

04-29-2008, 12:13 PM
It could be that the same artist created the one on the 3D Model Club website as on the Vectorart3D website. Vectorart3D has several freelance artist that they use if I'm not mistaken.

Andy B.

04-29-2008, 01:20 PM
I think this fellow was "the first"..........


04-29-2008, 01:21 PM
Cliff, Andy, I can only speak on behalf of Vector Art 3D but I can assure you that our model is unique even though we added it only last week. We have been working on this model for several months (based on requests from customers) and the pieces were sculpted in clay as individual groups of 2 or 3 people by an artist who does work for us, these pieces were scanned with a Picza and emailed to me. Then I combined them in ArtCAM Pro and did a significant amount of additonal work to sculpt and build the other elements of the finished model.

Neither Vector Art 3D or any of our artists created the one on the 3D Model Club website and there is no affilitation between us so I would say that theirs is unique too (our artists are exclusively contracted to work with VA3D for clipart even if freelance for contract work). Our model is based on the Da-Vinci painting and as this is a pretty standard piece of imagary even based on different artists/sculptors versions of the smae thing. So I would guess all Last Supper renderings would be similar iin layout and content although different in execution. It is hard to see on the low res images that it is possible to post here but if you compare the models there are significant differences not least of which is that ours uses a very low depth given the amount of detail in it (I would guess that Jimmy's model is only around 0.5 inches deep even an 24 inches wide). If you would like to email me I would be glad to send you a high res image of the Vector Art 3D model so you can compare the two: jab(at)carve3d(dot)com, or download our free Viewer and the Free V3V model from the website so you can take a look at it: http://www.vectorart3d.com/store/index.cfm?q=supper . Please ask us if you have questions on our artwork in future rather than suggesting piracy as I can assure you all our artwork is unique.

James Booth
Vector Art 3D, Inc.

04-29-2008, 04:26 PM
James is right. After closely looking at the pictures, these two models are not the same. It appears that the newbie jumped the gun and made some assumptions. These are two different interpretations of one master's work. My appologies to these two companies. Cliff