View Full Version : Wall mounting controller
07-27-2007, 07:39 PM
Guys I wonder if you could help me. I cant find the material that refers to the 3 knock out holes on the control box, which 3 cables go through them.. i've mounted mine with unistrut & sideways. & what a bonus I was able to post a pic after a year of trying ( not too hard I admit ) I think its time for a Guinness :-)
Here are a few pics of "La otra mujer" in progress.
07-27-2007, 07:57 PM
mine is on the right hand side same as hinge for door.
07-27-2007, 08:01 PM
your box looks like its shaped differently and it looks like your reset button is on top according to the way you have it mounted, so look on the very bottom underside.
07-27-2007, 08:40 PM
Yes the reset button is on top now & the Roxtec entry is on the bottom. So the knock out entry holes are on the left side towards the top. Is that the power cable to the controller or the cable from the VFD I see in your pic? I guess I could install a few more knock outs in a better location so all the cables both exit & enter from the bottom. ?? Thx Neville
Brady Watson
07-27-2007, 09:57 PM
You might want to clock the control box -90° and move it to the left. Put the other electrical box on the right. This will save you frustration later. The door is not designed to be opened like a hatch - only side to side like a right-hand door. Also the heat sink on the back of the box is designed to allow hot air to rise for cooling. The way you have it now might cause overheating. The power can come from the electrical box on the right and go right into the control box in a straight shot. It's better to do it the 2nd time now than later when you 'butterfinger' the front door and it winds up on the floor or the AL hinged gets mangled...
Nice mezzanine...already making room for the 2nd Bot I see
07-28-2007, 12:10 AM
Brady, -90 is anti clockise or clockwise? I will be locating the computer to the right of the box so I thought the reset buttons would be better if closer to comp, also if I turn it to the right 90 dgs that would put the knockout holes on the top. I'm wondering, if the reset buttons are supposed to face out when normally placed under the machine then the knockouts would face towards the ground in my case- are they on the wrong side? I can still place the control as you advise but I would like to locate the VFD in the same spot as it is adjacent to the leg that the cables will hit the table.As for the heat sink I was planning on putting some fans to push air across them. I figured there would be better air flow if the fins were vertical as opposed to horizontal. Coincidentally, as for the hinge/door - I was just looking at it thinking I might need a chain or cable to arrest it. So if I turn the box 90 dgs to the right should I knock out to the right side of the box from the switch(90 dgs Clockwise) so I can exit from the bottom or should I exit the same side as the Roxtec(sp)?
07-28-2007, 12:16 AM
Reset button to the Left. This is how the box is set up and designed to be used.
07-28-2007, 01:19 AM
The big cable coming out is the 220 power supply cable coming from the circuit box. I don't have a spindle, the wire for the router control is coming from the opening below.
I too would suggest you turn your box so it is oriented like mine, like a right hand opening door.
My box is mounted on the side under my table. The back is exposed to the air circulation.
07-28-2007, 06:42 AM
Here is a piture of my cable arrangement. I also relocated my Start/Reset button as it was out of site the way my operation position is situated.
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