View Full Version : What to do with the shipping crate?

09-07-2006, 07:02 AM
I just got my bot and I hate to bust the crate up and throw it away but don't know what to do with it?

One idea i had was, since it was so big I would be buried in it when i die since i'm determined to take all my tools with me when i go (although i've heard theres no electricity in H*ll).

09-07-2006, 08:09 AM
Dog house.

09-07-2006, 08:54 AM

09-07-2006, 11:09 AM
Well done!

09-07-2006, 11:15 AM
I presume that the shelves were cut with the ShopBot?

09-07-2006, 11:33 AM
All on the Bot; dividers are 3/16" Masonite. All dados assembly.

The rest of the create are shop PCs shelves (as I write this I have one of the forked lift logo under the monitor!) and misc. shelves all around the shop.

I do not throw away very much... the rest end up as fire starter... aside foams and plastics!

09-07-2006, 01:34 PM
The ShopBot crate is a little larger than this one that I used for a movable assmbly/paint-finishing platform. Just added cheap casters and put old carpet on top (bottom).

09-07-2006, 01:51 PM
I had the opposite problem when I stripped the old plywood and MDF table from my 'bot - I ended up using them to make a crate for a piece of furniture which I had to ship across the country. I wonder if my old spoilboard will find yet another use for its new owners in California.