View Full Version : Scrap foam in Minneapolis

09-18-2007, 10:41 AM
When we had our camp last weekend, Bill had suggested we see if anyone wanted to take some of our scraps, and we still have lots left. It's free!! We feel bad throwing it all away, but we don't have a choice we can't keep it all. If anyone's interested give us a call 651-778-2950. You'll have to come look through it yourself and take it with you.

nicole@foamcarver.com (mailto:nicole@foamcarver.com)

09-18-2007, 11:03 AM
Just to add to Nikki's post, the foam they have left over is 2"thick, and as you may have seen from the pix on our Flickr page the pieces are certainly large enough to do some good sized projects with.
When we do Camps around the country many people claim they can't even FIND 2" thick foam, so this would be a great opportunity if you are able to get to their shop. It would be a shame to see it all head to a landfill...