PRT alpha router to spindle upgrade
Hello folks, I just bought a spindle to upgrade my 2004 PRT Alpha 4896 and the parts came in last Friday. I’m a bit puzzled at one of the kits I was told to purchase. I’ll post a pic below. It consists of a few little snips of standard copper wire of various gauges and 3 or 4 plastic terminals to install in the control box. My question, really, is this all I need or am I missing something? The cost of this little bag was $456.50. Just seems like there should be more to it lol. ( the other parts consist of the VFD, spindle, collets etc.). I’ve not talked to support by phone, only email. Two guys assured me this was correct. I’m just a bit bewildered at the cost, quite frankly. I’m by no means a cheapskate when it comes to my tools. Obvious, if that’s what it costs then that’s cool, I just want to have everything I need when I start opening up the control box come Friday morning. Has anyone of you been through a similar upgrade? Also, the wiring diagram sent in the package is for the PRS model and the tech guy said that should suffice. I’m a bit skeptical since my control box looks a lot different than the supplied diagram. This is in no way a slam against ShopBot. They have been amazing for the 19 years I’ve had my Bot. Just wondering I’d something got overlooked.