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Thread: Bleeding heart seeking mentorship.

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    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Lightbulb Bleeding heart seeking mentorship.

    Hello fellow members.

    My name is Bill Heineken. I am new to the East Coast (Levittown Pa. 19056) 25 minutes N. of Philly. I have been learking for a little while now and would like to get my self a bot some time in the near future. I would like to share a little history about my self in hopes that members might steer me in some direction.

    I am 38 years old. I moved East due to finding a job that suits me currently. I was the owner of a metal fabrication/ art shop for 14 years ( ), but had to give up my dream due to a divorce, and with average tools being in the 5-20000# range it would have cost a fortune to move them all. I work as a first article inspector in a high tolerance sheet metal shop measuring parts to +/-.0005" and its ok for now, but would like to get back to having my own vision some time soon, if not at least part time.

    Things about the bots that worry me as I have looked at a few over the last few weeks, is what will suit my future needs, how will I learn and not get frustrated by purchasing a machine that is antiquated to a point that it will cost more than buying a newer used machine, or even a new one.

    What I am looking for is the possibility to learn while helping someone else and making some new friends. I currently have (0) friends in the area and would love to be able to persue my dreams and passions while fostering said friendships. I have lots of free time if I am not working/painting and would like to find someone willing to mentor that is doing 3d work(my ultimate goal). My hopes are to be able to do carved parts to make molds from for my ceramic art, use the machine for detailed carvings for painting substructures, and make prototypes for some ideas I have to improve prosthetic limbs (i am an amputee). I am a quick study and learn seemingly fast for things that interest me.

    I have thought of buying software prior to a machine with the thoughts of understanding the process, before I get to far over my head. I am willing to compensate if needed, just need to see this thru as i have desired a cnc router for almost 10 years now. I had a cnc plasma at the old shop and really see the validity in a router for its more diverse possibilities.

    I thank you for your time.


    Bill Heineken
    Last edited by billh; 07-27-2012 at 05:43 PM. Reason: bad spelling

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