This is a 2011 Shopbot PRSalpha with a 120x60 bed with two 4HP HSD spindles and 2 pneumatic drills. This machine has been well taken care of and is like new. It is currently set up for a vacuum hold down but the vacuum is not included. We do have a 5hp cyclone dust collector also for sale if interested. This machine has served us great but it is time to get a smaller one for space reasons.

It comes with everything you need including control computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse, tons of collets and some assorted tooling. Also included is a pressure foot, Z-axis prox switch that is not installed, and extra drill mounting bracket in case you want to add drills to the A-axis or split the two up.

Asking $25,000

Buyer responsible for removal, machine is located in New Haven, CT.

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