While cutting some letters today I noticed what I call "Chatter"on the edge of a few letters. I know this tends to happen when something is lose that should be tight. After trouble trouble shooting I found the gantry would would wiggle in the X direction but only on the side with the X2 motor. The X1 was tight. I disengaged both the X1 and X2 motors. I could turn the shaft of the X2 motor by hand; but the x1 is rock solid. I have to assume the "Chatter" on the parts is due to the lose X2. First, can someone confirm my diagonalize at least "smells" correct, or should one of the X motors be free spinning? If correct, anyone have an idea how to address? Is the motor shot? Motor is Model: A6497-9412KTG. Vextra brand. Thanks in advance.