I got to looking at the cuts on my computer- (I was on my phone this afternoon)... now that I see the deviations... I would have to strongly suspect loose or worn
pinions, also. Don't want t sound like a broken record, but check those out first!
Everything works now, thanks for everyone's help!!
Here's a picture of the most recent Arrow of Light carving:
It's perfect! All I had to do was re-tighten the y-axis pinion. The accuracy on this machine is incredible.
Thank you everyone! Fixing this was very important, and I'm glad it worked.
Glad we could help. I would suggest pulling all pinion grubs and getting a bit of Loctite in there if you haven't already.
Pinions do wear and you should have a spare set on hand. (SB sells them and ensures you get the right ones) Comparing the existing to a new one is a good way to see if you have wear. For you guys it would likely be an annual replacement.
There is a general maintenance schedule in the shop-bot docs that if you haven't already printed out would be a good idea.
Considering that it is a school you may want to convert it to a calendar chart with checkboxes, date done and name/initials.
You would be leaving a "legacy" for future students while you go on to your further education.
Keeping up on that schedule can prevent a lot of costly problems coming up in the future.