Hi all

i recently had to route some 72" long oval HDU signs for another local sign company. When I cut the backgrounds there were tracks and other bad sections. i have a feeling that maybe I was cutting too fast and perhaps with the wrong bit. I'm looking for suggestions for routing out backgrounds with raised letters. i've attached a couple of photos. IDK how to attach the shopbot file but will if someone guides me.

i did realize why there are tracks around the letters (not shown in these photos). I had cut the letter perimeters with a 1/4" bit then switched to a 1/2" bit to hog out the background. I have an ATC but recently had a bit get dropped and haven't reset it. So I had done this as a manual bit change. When i re-zeroed the bit on the HDU it must have expanded slightly due to the high temperatures we're have recently. A friend reminded me that HDU does expand and contract a lot. So I will reset my ATC (or use a reference that doesn't expand so much til I get to reset the ATC) which I think will eliminate that issue. But the backgroud will still be an issue.


Thank You!!
