During a roughing pass my 3/8" ball end mill starting slipped down out of the collet and caused some damage to the stock and I'm trying to figure out why.
I zeroed the bit correctly, tightened it (pretty tight), then after about 10 minutes of cutting, I noticed it was cutting too deep. It had slipped down by about 1/2". The first time it happened, I thought I must have made a mistake, so I re-zeroed, but the same thing happened again.
Settings were 120IPS, 40% stepover, 0.18" cut, mahogany. The bit is new as is the collet.
The cut was pretty noisy, but I find ball noses are always noisy, so I wasn't overly worried.
I switched out for an end mill and had no issues with this.
I'd be interested in hearing some thoughts on what could have caused this.