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Thread: Photo engraving TIF or TIFF?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Default Photo engraving TIF or TIFF?

    I tried to use the TIF conversion but it would not take. My photo software converts to TIFF but I didn't see TIF. Is that different? What software does work well with this feature?

  2. #2 Guest


    You might try converting your TIFF\TIF (tagged image file format) to a greyscale (8-bit = 256 levels of grey) with your software. If your software will convert it to greyscale you should be fine. The TIF conversion assigns a numerical value (depth) to each level of grey, 0 to 256, and allows you to adjust the ratio of greyscale(0-255) to the depth of cut. Relize also that this program works at the pixel level.In your photo software, zoom the photo you want to cut until you can see individual pixels.The TIF CONVERTOR see's each pixel,asseses it's shade(1-255)and set's a corresponding depth to cut. Light to dark or dark to light,whichever you prefer.
    Also, two programs available for free download on the net that I use; Irfanview & pic2pic. Pic2pic is great for doing batch conversions from bmp, jpeg,etc. to tiff's and Irfanview allows you to to increase or decrease the size of your tiff,
    (X)number of pixels (Y)number of pixels so that you can adjust the size of your creation to what you want with the resolution that you want. Remember, GREYSCALE is the key.
    hope this helps ko

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    South Elgin, IL


    I was playing with the tif converter just tonight (while digesting turkey) and it finally dawned on me how to determine the correct pixel size in the conversion program, so that it makes the image the same size as your original image. Part of this discovery came from (of all places) reading the help file.

    OK in your imaging program (I use Picture Publisher) if you have an image that's 150 pixels per inch and it measures 3 inches high, 150 pixels per inch times 3 inches equals 450, and this means you have 450 pixels in the height.

    So you take the image size in inches (3 in this case) divided by the image size in pixels (450) and this gives you the pixel size to enter in the conversion program. (.0066)

    Things change when you change the resolution (pixels per inch) of your image. Maybe you decide that 75 pixels per inch is sufficient and might have quicker cutting time. OK so now the same image as before only has 75 pixels per inch but it's still 3 inches high. Take the 75 pixels times 3 inches high and you get 225 pixels high. Now you take your 3 inches divided by 225 pixels and you get your pixel size (.0133)

    I'm going to try a couple santa faces, one at 75 and one at 150 ppi and see if there's any noticeable difference. I'll post the pics if things work out.

  4. #4 Guest


    1st, As Martha would say; turkey is a good thing
    2nd, It amazes me that when I read the help file, the pixel vs. resolution jumped right out and stuck in my brain. I tried cutting a dozen plus projects that ended in the woodburner. A year or so later, I saw postings here of pictures you did at .025-.035 z depths that turned out great and the lightbulb came on. I had been cutting at 1/4 to 1 inch. You on the other hand, picked up on the small differences on Z depth and only now realized the the resolution issue. The point I,m trying make is that we all read the same thing and get different idea's of what it says. Sometimes instructions have to be written in total layman's terms because folk's like me and some of you have not the background to understand what greyscale or tif tiff or dxf or hpgl etc. really mean. Maybe this post is really for the Teds,Gordons,Donnas,Bruces,ETC. out there, but living in the seattle area (bill gates) I understand that computers and their operatives work better the simpler they are for the common user. Maybe the help files should be written for somebody in the 1st grade and the rest of the more learned should read between the lines. It would make it a greater pleasure for the beginners with a bot to enjoy their machines. Anyhow, I'll get off my box and go eat some pie. thnx Mardo for inspiring me. ko

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