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Thread: Cad Programs

  1. #21 Guest


    Gary B,

    If you will fill in your e-mail, you might get some responses 'off-line'. Sometimes you will learn things "In private" that the poster does not want said in public.

    That said, I use VECTOR to write and check cutting paths.

    I use other CAD programs to write the files. Sometimes I will move or modify the file in VECTOR.

    The MOST useful command I have found in VECTOR is the Special/Verify. The 'Copy/paste' allows rotation to align grain and displace to make multiple copys. Watch the 'dialogue' box in the cut and paste, it can do some strange things till you get the mental process VECTOR uses in your mind.

    I find VECTOR like a woman. I can't use all the features and I doubt I will ever learn all of the little ways they work. But, I don't think I want to live without it.


  2. #22 Guest


    Gary. There is a Vector user support/discussion forum at

    Look under support.

    To mirror in Vector, use the copy-paste technique as Sheldon mentioned, but instead of using the rotate about Z axis by 180 degrees, just click the X or Y axis mirror. All the X or Y values in the geometry will be reversed between positive and negative. This is relative to the location of the coordinate axis, so be sure to place it where you want to do the mirroring, before you edit-copy.

    If you have Vector 9, it comes with the complete contents of the 370 page printed manual in electronic format, on your CD. You are free to print it out. There are almost 200 pages of tutorial style information included. Contact Shopbot or IMService to purchase a printed hardcopy.

    Gibson Guitar right in your town is using Vector to make prototype parts.

    Best Regards,

    Fred Smith

  3. #23
    Gary B Guest


    Thanks to all for the info.....Gibson guitar ?
    Never heard of em'....LOL
    Thanks again....Gary B.

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