Hi fellow shopbotters
just thought i would drop a note to you all to tell you that i have put up a free to download ready to cut CNC router project on my website
the project is an actual CNC router that you cut out from MDF and put together .
a great project for anyone wanting to play around with hobby CNC in a small cheap way it uses a dremel tool for a spindle .
and is an excellent way to introduce newcomers to CNC.
the project is a zipfile that has extensive drawings instructions and assembly guide to get you up and running the DXF files are all to scale and all the dogbones have been inserted to allow cutting with a 1/4 inch router bit and still get tight fitting parts. an EPS file without the dogbone fillets is also included for those of you who have access to a laser
these files are the result of a whole lot of work i did to develop a kit based on the instructables cheap and easy cnc machine project.
and i used them to make kits that i sold on my website i stopped making the kits due to time constraints but they sold quite well. and i have had several requests for wood parts kits through the website so some of you more enterprising people may want to use the files to cut parts kits and sell them and that is fully ok to do .as many as you want its open source all i ask is that you do not post thiese files for download from your website please just send people to makecnc for the download as it helps to show people my website. anyways you can sure pass on all the assembly instructions included to your customers with no copyright or royalty
so all in all its great
this would make a great project for your son or daughter to make with you that will introduce them to the exciiting world of Robotic tools
the download is totally free no strings attached. and no i wont sell your email address to anyone![]()